Doccy is a Yii Extension / Behavior which adds docx rendering options to a controller.
It uses the docxgen library (bundled with phpdocx) to create the docx, so docxgen must be installed (see
To attach this behavior to a controller, add it through a behaviors() method:
public function behaviors()
return array(
'doccy' => array(
'class' => 'ext.doccy.Doccy',
See below for more configuration options.
To render single page docx from a template file you just call renderDocx() instead of render.
Usage Example (Controller "Report"):
First add behaviour to the controller:
public function behaviors()
return array(
'class' => 'application.extensions.doccy.Doccy',
'options' => array(
//'templatePath' => 'path/to/template', // Path where docx templates are stored. Default value is controller`s view folder
//'outputPath' => 'path/to/output', // Path where output files should be stored. Default value is application runtime folder
//'docxgenFolder' => 'docxgen-master', // Name of the folder which holds docxgen library (must be in the extension folder). Default value is 'docxgen-master'
Second, add an action which will be used to download parsed docx document:
public function actionDownload()
$this->doccy->newFile('template.docx'); // template.docx must be located in protected/views/report/template.docx where "report" is the name of the curren controller view folder (alternatively you must configure option "templatePath")
$this->doccy->phpdocx->assignToHeader("#HEADER1#","HRADIeader 1"); // basic field mapping to header
$this->doccy->phpdocx->assignToFooter("#FOOTER1#","Footer 1"); // basic field mapping to footer
$this->doccy->phpdocx->assign("#TITLE1#","Pet shop BOYS list"); // basic field mapping
$this->doccy->phpdocx->assignBlock("members",array(array("#NAME#"=>"John","#SURNAME#"=>"DOE"),array("#NAME#"=>"Jane","#SURNAME#"=>"DOE"))); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values
$this->doccy->phpdocx->assignNestedBlock("pets",array(array("#PETNAME#"=>"Rex")),array("members"=>1)); // would create a block pets for john doe with the name rex
$this->doccy->phpdocx->assignNestedBlock("pets",array(array("#PETNAME#"=>"Rox")),array("members"=>2)); // would create a block pets for jane doe with the name rox
$this->doccy->phpdocx->assignNestedBlock("toys",array(array("#TOYNAME#"=>"Ball"),array("#TOYNAME#"=>"Frisbee"),array("#TOYNAME#"=>"Box")),array("members"=>1,"pets"=>1)); // would create a block toy for rex
$this->doccy->phpdocx->assignNestedBlock("toys",array(array("#TOYNAME#"=>"Frisbee")),array("members"=>2,"pets"=>1)); // would create a block toy for rox
$this->renderDocx("ExampleReport.docx", true); // use $forceDownload=false in order to (just) store file in the outputPath folder.