Adrien Besson and Dimitris Perdios
Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS5), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Final project for the Adaptation and Learning course given by Prof. Ali H. Sayed, 2018.
We study various short message service spam filtering techniques based on a Kaggle dataset composed of 5572 messages, whose 4825 are legitimate and 747 are spam. The Bag-of-Words models followed by term-frequency-inverse-document-frequency transformation is employed for feature extraction. Several state-of-the-art classifiers are compared, i.e. logistic regression, regularized logistic regression, linear and kernel support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbours, multinomial Bayes, decision trees, random forests, AdaBoost and neural networks, where the best hyper-parameters are identified using 10-fold cross validation. We demonstrate that all the classifiers perform remarkably well in terms of misclassification error and that even simple linear methods, such as logistic regression leads to less than 2% of misclassification error. We study two resampling methods that can be used to counter the class imbalance present in the training set, i.e. downsampling of the majority class and upsampling of the minority class. We show that both lead to an increase of the sensitivity at the cost of a lower specificity. Online learning strategies are finally investigated, where the algorithms sequentially update with a new batch of messages, mimicking a more realistic example. The supporting code is available at
- Install Python 3.6 and optionally create a dedicated environment
- Clone the repository
git clone cd sms-spam-filtering
- Install the Python dependencies from
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
We used the SMS Spam Collection dataset proposed by kaggle.
The SMS Spam Collection is a set of SMS tagged messages that have been collected for SMS Spam research. It contains one set of SMS messages in English of 5574 messages, tagged acording being ham (legitimate) or spam.
For simplicity, it is also stored in this repository under datasets/spam.csv
More info on the dataset: link
The following Python scripts and Jupyter notebooks are available:
- data_exploration.ipynb: Data exploration notebook.
- example_classifier.ipynb: Notebook providing an example of classifier training.
- increasing_sensitivity.ipynb: Notebook providing an example of sensitivity increase by dataset resampling.
- Produces the data exploration figures (stored under
). - Allows to re-train the classifiers for the
different dataset resampling strategies.
The trained classifiers are stored under
. - Allows to compute the different scores on trained
classifiers (which are stored under
). - Allows to re-run the online learning experiments.
Note that the training will only be performed if the configuration is not
already stored under
The code is released under the terms of the MIT license.