Minecraft Version: 1.21.1
NeoForge Version: 21.1.115
A kitchen sink modpack for 1.21.1.
A MINIMUM of 6 GB of RAM allocated is required for this modpack, however 8 GB of RAM or more is recommended.
Prism Launcher is required to import and install this modpack.
Small-Iron-Pack-3 is the modpack zip you will import into Prism Launcher.
The zip is a Prism Launcher instance pre-configured with packwiz-installer-bootstrap.
It is configured to run a Pre-launch command that will automatically download all required mods and config files, as well as update the modpack instance automatically.
The command it runs is "$INST_JAVA" -jar packwiz-installer-bootstrap.jar https://doofus9341.github.io/small-iron-pack-3/pack.toml
which will pull packwiz information from this repos Github Pages.
- Download the exported Prism instance from the link above.
- Alternatively you can skip downloading the instance and directly import it into Prism Launcher with the URL in step 4.
- Select Add Instance.
- From the sidebar, select Import.
- If you manually downloaded the modpack, select browse and navigate to the folder containing the modpack zip.
- To directly import it into Prism Launcher without manually downloading the zip, paste the following URL into the Import box:
- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ud925bblkh0fuzw5kxo34/AByyNafbBNr_P7FHJmCa1Uc?rlkey=8o5cw80bwnkd7iai66119c762&dl=1
- Give the instance a name, since the default name will be the URL.