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Merge pull request #65 from libre-devops/main
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dolevshor authored Feb 23, 2025
2 parents a6cc68a + d3b10fe commit e192343
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Workbook/Azure Orphaned Resources v3.0.workbook
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"type": 1,
"content": {
"json": "### Azure Orphaned Resources Workbook\r\n\r\nThe purpose of this workbook is to provide an overview of your orphaned resources, enabling you to enhance eficiency by:\r\n\r\n- Saving money\r\n- Prevent misconfiguration\r\n- Simplify operations\r\n\r\n<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" width=\"19px\" height=\"19px\" viewBox=\"0 0 19 18\" version=\"1.1\"><g id=\"surface1\"><path style=\" stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;fill:rgb(14.117647%,16.078431%,18.431373%);fill-opacity:1;\" d=\"M 9.472656 0 C 4.234375 0 0 4.125 0 9.226562 C 0 13.308594 2.714844 16.761719 6.476562 17.984375 C 6.945312 18.074219 7.121094 17.785156 7.121094 17.539062 C 7.121094 17.324219 7.105469 16.59375 7.105469 15.828125 C 4.46875 16.378906 3.921875 14.726562 3.921875 14.726562 C 3.496094 13.660156 2.871094 13.382812 2.871094 13.382812 C 2.007812 12.820312 2.933594 12.820312 2.933594 12.820312 C 3.890625 12.878906 4.390625 13.765625 4.390625 13.765625 C 5.238281 15.171875 6.601562 14.773438 7.152344 14.53125 C 7.230469 13.933594 7.480469 13.519531 7.746094 13.292969 C 5.644531 13.078125 3.433594 12.285156 3.433594 8.738281 C 3.433594 7.730469 3.808594 6.90625 4.40625 6.265625 C 4.3125 6.035156 3.984375 5.085938 4.5 3.820312 C 4.5 3.820312 5.300781 3.574219 7.105469 4.765625 C 7.875 4.566406 8.671875 4.460938 9.472656 4.460938 C 10.269531 4.460938 11.085938 4.566406 11.839844 4.765625 C 13.644531 3.574219 14.441406 3.820312 14.441406 3.820312 C 14.960938 5.085938 14.628906 6.035156 14.535156 6.265625 C 15.148438 6.90625 15.507812 7.730469 15.507812 8.738281 C 15.507812 12.285156 13.296875 13.0625 11.179688 13.292969 C 11.527344 13.582031 11.824219 14.132812 11.824219 15.003906 C 11.824219 16.242188 11.808594 17.234375 11.808594 17.539062 C 11.808594 17.785156 11.980469 18.074219 12.453125 17.984375 C 16.214844 16.761719 18.925781 13.308594 18.925781 9.226562 C 18.941406 4.125 14.695312 0 9.472656 0 Z M 9.472656 0 \"/></g></svg>\r\n&nbsp;[<span style=\"font-family: Open Sans; font-weight: 620; font-size: 14px;margin:-10px 0px 0px 0px;position: relative;top:-3px;left:-4px;\">Please submit any issues </span>]( <span style=\"font-family: Open Sans; font-weight: 620; font-size: 14px;margin:-10px 0px 0px 0px;position: relative;top:-3px;left:-4px;\"> with the workbook template to GitHub.</span>",
"json": "### Azure Orphaned Resources Workbook\r\n\r\nThe purpose of this workbook is to provide an overview of your orphaned resources, enabling you to enhance efficiency by:\r\n\r\n- Saving money\r\n- Prevent misconfiguration\r\n- Simplify operations\r\n\r\n<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" width=\"19px\" height=\"19px\" viewBox=\"0 0 19 18\" version=\"1.1\"><g id=\"surface1\"><path style=\" stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;fill:rgb(14.117647%,16.078431%,18.431373%);fill-opacity:1;\" d=\"M 9.472656 0 C 4.234375 0 0 4.125 0 9.226562 C 0 13.308594 2.714844 16.761719 6.476562 17.984375 C 6.945312 18.074219 7.121094 17.785156 7.121094 17.539062 C 7.121094 17.324219 7.105469 16.59375 7.105469 15.828125 C 4.46875 16.378906 3.921875 14.726562 3.921875 14.726562 C 3.496094 13.660156 2.871094 13.382812 2.871094 13.382812 C 2.007812 12.820312 2.933594 12.820312 2.933594 12.820312 C 3.890625 12.878906 4.390625 13.765625 4.390625 13.765625 C 5.238281 15.171875 6.601562 14.773438 7.152344 14.53125 C 7.230469 13.933594 7.480469 13.519531 7.746094 13.292969 C 5.644531 13.078125 3.433594 12.285156 3.433594 8.738281 C 3.433594 7.730469 3.808594 6.90625 4.40625 6.265625 C 4.3125 6.035156 3.984375 5.085938 4.5 3.820312 C 4.5 3.820312 5.300781 3.574219 7.105469 4.765625 C 7.875 4.566406 8.671875 4.460938 9.472656 4.460938 C 10.269531 4.460938 11.085938 4.566406 11.839844 4.765625 C 13.644531 3.574219 14.441406 3.820312 14.441406 3.820312 C 14.960938 5.085938 14.628906 6.035156 14.535156 6.265625 C 15.148438 6.90625 15.507812 7.730469 15.507812 8.738281 C 15.507812 12.285156 13.296875 13.0625 11.179688 13.292969 C 11.527344 13.582031 11.824219 14.132812 11.824219 15.003906 C 11.824219 16.242188 11.808594 17.234375 11.808594 17.539062 C 11.808594 17.785156 11.980469 18.074219 12.453125 17.984375 C 16.214844 16.761719 18.925781 13.308594 18.925781 9.226562 C 18.941406 4.125 14.695312 0 9.472656 0 Z M 9.472656 0 \"/></g></svg>\r\n&nbsp;[<span style=\"font-family: Open Sans; font-weight: 620; font-size: 14px;margin:-10px 0px 0px 0px;position: relative;top:-3px;left:-4px;\">Please submit any issues </span>]( <span style=\"font-family: Open Sans; font-weight: 620; font-size: 14px;margin:-10px 0px 0px 0px;position: relative;top:-3px;left:-4px;\"> with the workbook template to GitHub.</span>",
"style": "upsell"
"conditionalVisibility": {
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