This block plugin allows users to create activities/resources in bulk. In other words, a moodle module can be copied to one or more courses or one or more categories/subcategories in one go.
- Moodle 3.3 or later
- Themes based on Boost
Copy the moodle-block_bulkactivity folder into your /blocks directory, then rename it to bulkactivity and visit your Admin Notification page to complete the installation.
Once the block is added to a course and when in editing mode, users can click on Edit to see the 'Bulk Copy to Courses' option. By clicking on it, all non-hidden categories on the site will be displayed including their sub-categories with courses. A check-box against every category or course will be available. Users can select them and choose where they want to add the activity/resource.
Here's a demo.
Shubhendra Doiphode ([email protected])