Dogebox is currently in a pre-alpha developer preview. Do not use it for any production workloads, and definitely don't send any money to addresses generated by it.
Dogebox is a Linux OS with a web-based management interface and permission-based routing and container system designed to provide a platform and DRE (Dogecoin Runtime Environment) for building services and apps on top of the Dogecoin blockchain.
Services & applications packaged for Dogebox are called 'pups', these are standard linux services that are executed in isolated containers, with access to other 'pups' and the Dogecoin blockchain via ACL/Permission controlled internal routing.
Builds are available on our Github Releases page.
All releases currently have hardcoded credentials until we work on SSH management. These are shibe:suchpass
Currently, only "virtual machine" images are being released. We plan to release ARM (aarch64
) and x86_64
compatible hardware images over the next couple of weeks.
See details below for specific setups:
Running in QEMU
First, grab the latest QEMU release.
Launch the image with the following command:
qemu-system-x86_64 \
-drive file=dogebox.qcow2,format=qcow2 \
-m 4G \
-smp 2 \
-nographic \
-netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
-device virtio-net,netdev=net0
Running in VMWare
Running in Virtualbox
- Install Virtualbox :)
- Run
make virtualbox-launch
Running on Proxmox
If you're struggling to get something working, please open a github issue with a description of the problem.
If you want to contribute, please check the current roadmap, and join our discord server to start chatting with other developers.