This plugin creates a widget that lets the user pan and zoom about a Cytoscape.js graph. This complements the built-in gesture support for panning and zooming in Cytoscape.js by giving less savvy users a more traditional UI -- similar to controls on map webapps.
Note that because this plugin is unnecessary on touch devices due to natural gesture support, it is disabled by default on touch devices. The plugin wouldn't be very useful anyway on touch, because small targets are much harder to use than gestures that can be used anywhere. As such, the plugin is untested on touch and would probably either need a library like fastclick or reworking of its event handlers to work.
- jQuery >=1.4
- Cytoscape.js >=2.0
- Font Awesome 4 (for automatic icons), or you can specify your own class names for icons
Download the library:
- via npm:
npm install cytoscape-panzoom
, - via bower:
bower install cytoscape-panzoom
, or - via direct download in the repository (probably from a tag).
the library as appropriate for your project:
var cytoscape = require('cytoscape');
var panzoom = require('cytoscape-panzoom');
panzoom( cytoscape ); // register extension
require(['cytoscape', 'cytoscape-panzoom'], function( cytoscape, panzoom ){
panzoom( cytoscape ); // register extension
Plain HTML/JS has the extension registered for you automatically, because no require()
is needed.
// the default values of each option are outlined below:
var defaults = ({
zoomFactor: 0.05, // zoom factor per zoom tick
zoomDelay: 45, // how many ms between zoom ticks
minZoom: 0.1, // min zoom level
maxZoom: 10, // max zoom level
fitPadding: 50, // padding when fitting
panSpeed: 10, // how many ms in between pan ticks
panDistance: 10, // max pan distance per tick
panDragAreaSize: 75, // the length of the pan drag box in which the vector for panning is calculated (bigger = finer control of pan speed and direction)
panMinPercentSpeed: 0.25, // the slowest speed we can pan by (as a percent of panSpeed)
panInactiveArea: 8, // radius of inactive area in pan drag box
panIndicatorMinOpacity: 0.5, // min opacity of pan indicator (the draggable nib); scales from this to 1.0
autodisableForMobile: true, // disable the panzoom completely for mobile (since we don't really need it with gestures like pinch to zoom)
// icon class names
sliderHandleIcon: 'fa fa-minus',
zoomInIcon: 'fa fa-plus',
zoomOutIcon: 'fa fa-minus',
resetIcon: 'fa fa-expand'
cy.panzoom( defaults );
This project is set up to automatically be published to npm and bower. To publish:
- Set the version number environment variable:
export VERSION=1.2.3
- Publish:
gulp publish
- If publishing to bower for the first time, you'll need to run
bower register cytoscape-panzoom