Receive Kanboard notifications on Hipchat.
- Frederic Guillot
- License MIT
- Create a folder plugins/Hipchat
- Copy all files under this directory
Firstly, you need to generate a new API token on Hipchat website, then configure Kanboard.
Go to Settings > Integrations > Hipchat and fill the form:
- Hipchat API URL: If you use the self-hosted version of Hipchat, define the API URL here
- Hipchat API Token: Copy and paste the token generated from your Hipchat account
- You must have the same email address between your Hipchat account and your Kanboard profile
- Then enable Hipchat notifications in your profile: Notifications > Select Hipchat
- Go to the project settings then choose Integrations > Hipchat
- Room API ID or name: Enter the Hipchat room name (case sensitive) or the API ID
- Room notification token: Enter to room token or leave it blank to use the global API token
- Enable the debug mode
- All connection errors with the API are recorded in the log files
or syslog