- clone this repository
cd $path/angularjs-d3-chartbuilder
npm install
bower install
Then run grunt serve
which will autoload the app in your default browser.
A plugin for WordPress can be found at http://github.com/alleyinteractive/wordpress-chartbuilder. Follow the instructions to install. You can create new charts and embed them in posts from your WordPress admin.
If you'd just like to embed a single chart, you can use the included inline embed script by pasting this into your html after replacing the two data attributes with the text you saved from chartbuilder.
<script async data-chart='[CHART-JSON-STRING]' data-template='[TEMPLATE-STRING]' src='http://dmachat.github.io/angularjs-d3-chartbuilder/chartbuilder-widget/loader/dist/chartbuilder.load.v1.default.js?base_url=http://dmachat.github.io/angularjs-d3-chartbuilder/bower_components/chartbuilder-widget/dist/release' > </script>