A workshop that teaches you how to run Cypress on major CI providers
You will need:
to clone the repository- Node v12+ to install and run locally
- 👉 fork the cypress-io/cypress-workshop-ci-example now 👈
- GitHub https://github.com/
- CircleCI https://circleci.com/
- Netlify https://www.netlify.com/
- Cypress Dashboard https://dashboard.cypress.io/
See the presentation at https://cypress-workshop-ci.netlify.app/. Every section of the presentation has a subfolder in the slides folder with a Markdown file. The Markdown is rendered into HTML using Vite and Reveal.js combination. You can open the presentation by clicking on "link" in the table below.
topic | Markdown | view slides |
Introduction | intro | intro slides |
Generic CI | generic-ci | generic ci slides |
GitHub Action | github-action | github action slides |
Circle CI Orb | circleci | circleci slides |
Netlify Build plugin | netlify-build | netlify build slides |
- Introduction slides
- requirements
- example repo cypress-io/cypress-workshop-ci-example
- NPM scripts and commands
- Cypress binary and info
- Running Cypress on generic CI slides
- GitHub CI workflow
- caching dependencies
- waiting for the server to start
- storing test artifacts on CI
- recording tests on Cypress Dashboard
- Cypress GitHub Action slides
- installing and running Cypress using action
- building the application
- action versions
- run tests in parallel
- split workflow into jobs
- Cypress CircleCI Orb slides
- running the tests
- recording the test artifacts
- saving the workspace
- testing in parallel
- Cypress Netlify plug slides
- deploy project on Netlify
- run E2E tests after deploy
- recording test results
- run E2E tests before build
- set up Cypress GitHub Integration
- set up GitHub status checks
We will test the example application from the repo cypress-io/cypress-workshop-ci-example. You should fork that repo under your GitHub account and use with each CI provider.