PubMed authorship crawler - document the publishing record for trainees and their PIs.
Clone this repo, and install the requirements.
To run this script, you'll want an API Key from Pubmed so that they don't throttle your search. Visit to register one to your email account. If you're performing a large number of searches, they recommend saving that for after normal working hours or on weekends so that you don't bog down their servers.
Add your email address and API Key to file.
Then, locate your input file. It should be a CSV, and for now, it expects column names and data broken as trainee Last Name and First Name, then the Thesis Mentor last name first:
| LastName | FirstName | ThesisMentor |
| Potter | Harry | Dumbledore, Albus |
| Granger | Hermione | McGonagall, Minerva |
| Malfoy | Draco | Snape, Severus |
Then, run the following command (with your own filepath, of course):
python '/Users/yourname/path/to/data/20191117input.csv'