circom-dl is a a library implementing zk cryptographic primitives.
Currently, it supports:
bitInt arithmetic. Used to implement operation of field that is larger than the field size of the underlying curve (e.g. bn128).
ec arithmetic. Weierstrass elliptic curve over prime field operations. Non supported Weierstrass curves over prime field can be easily added by following instructions in curve.circom. Currently supports:
- brainpool224r1
- brainpoolP256r1
- brainpoolP320r1
- brainpoolP384r1
- brainpoolP512r1
- secp192r1
- secp224r1
- secp256r1
- secp256k1
- secp384r1
- secp521r1
- to be continued
babyjubjub arithmetic. Used for curve with the same field as circom field (subgroup of bn128).
hasher. Implemets different hash functions. Currently supports:
- SHA1
- SHA224
- SHA256
- SHA384
- SHA512
- Keccak256
- Poseidon
- to be continued
signatures. Implemets different signature schemes. Currently supports:
- ECDSA (on supported curves ^)
- RSA with Pkcs1v15 padding for any field size, supported hash functions (Only sha1 and sha2-256 for now) and any exponent
- SHA384 && SALT_LEN == 48
- SHA256 && SALT_LEN == 64
- SHA256 && SALT_LEN == 32
- SHA512 && SALT_LEN == 64
- to be continued
eth. Impements exracting eth address from public key.
float. Implements fixed point float numbers. Currently supports:
- Multiplication (both with and without ceiling)
- Inverse
- Exp
- Switch precision.
matrix. Implements matrix arithmetic. Currently supports:
- Multiplication
- Scalar multiplication
- Hadamard product
- Addition
- Transposition
- Determinant
- Matrix Power
utils. Some helper templates to make some base operations easier. Currently supports:
- Switcher
int. Implements some int arithmetic for nums < underlying field(e.g. bn128). Currently supports:
- Inverse
- Log
- Sum of n elements
- Other templates can be unsecure, never use them in produnction!
npm install
npm test