Resource for use in Dropwizard that makes it a lot easier to work with WebJars.
Regular java code doesn't need to know or care about what version of a dependency it is using. It simply imports the class by name and goes on about its business. Why shouldn't your front-end development work the same way? This resource automatically injects version information for you.
Just add this maven dependency to get started:
Add the resource to your environment:
public class SampleService extends Service<...> {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception {
new SampleService().run(args);
public void initialize(Bootstrap<...> bootstrap) {
public void run(... cfg, Environment env)
throws Exception {
env.addResource(new WebJarResource());
Now reference your WebJar omitting version information:
<script src="/webjars/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>