Hi There!!! This is pretty fun and make irritating job to be easy. It is not from begining to end (Sign in to checking) robust but this is the script I wrote so that my computer was able to text me when appointments became available on the VFS website. Before using it, you'll need to setup the following:
install python Markup :
install Pip (install all the packages required) https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/
- playsound
- random
- pyautogui
- time
- pyscreenshot
- numpy
- cv2
- pixelmatch
- twilio.rest
- datetime
- os
Selenium webdriver: https://www.selenium.dev (used to automate chrome)
Twilio free trial: https://www.twilio.com/ (api to build sms applications)
- Run cmd with admin rights
- create reference file wrt. your requirment (reference is given, if it works for you)
- Login to your vfs account, select the categoty you need (it is made for Mumabai Blue card Visa appoinemnt change, For any other vfs plz change it in From Here to to Here
- It will play song "Different world" for more noise 😆 and send you a text message.
Its working for me, please fork it so other people can also make use of and happy BOOKING 👍
Make use of comment section if you need any support 😄