Android Issue management client following MVVM pattern with back-end implemented with Firebase. Communicates with back-end using Firebase SDK and exposed HTTP endpoints.
- Authentication
- Role based actions
- Create and assign tickets
- View, Update and Close tickets
- Attach and upload media
- Attach client information to ticket
- Client search
- Notifications on events
Home View | Create Complaint | Complaint Detail | Add Note |
View customer's complaints. | Create new complaint. | View resolution progress. | Communicate with staff |
- Android Jetpack - Official suite of libraries, tools, and guidance to help developers write high-quality apps.
- Firebase - Backend-as-a-Service solution.
- FirebaseUI - Optimized UI components for Firebase.
- Glide - A media management and image loading framework for Android.
- StfalconImageViewer - An Android full-screen image viewer.
- Matisse - A local image and video selector for Android.
- FlexboxLayout - A library bringing capabilities of CSS Flexible Box Layout Module to Android.