Release 1.1
Use the attached tarball, automatic archives have incomplete version data.
Release is also available at
294c706afaf43eaf67e449cdcf6fd863 diffpy.srfit-1.1.tar.gz
Changes since v1.0
- builders must be locals for eval call.
- Use call-wrapper classes instead of lambda functions.
- Fix infinite getattr loops on unpickling.
- Fix formula so it uses ESDs.
- Fix FitResults formula for combined rw.
- Use OrderedDict for FitResults contributions.
- Improve resolution of version metadata.
- Avoid comparing NumPy arrays with None.
- Keep chain of notifying objects for the _flush call.
- StretchModeParameter.notify should not modify its arguments.
- Avoid zero division in Rw formula if yobs are all zero.
- Report large negative correlations as well.
- Format post-release versions as per PEP 440.
- Use numpy.interp instead of scipy spline.
- Adjust for OrderedDict in Python 2.7.10.
- Add badges to readme for travis and code coverage.
- Handle imports from varying SasView/SansView APIs.
- Add conda build recipe.
- Fix inconsistent naming of CCTBX adapters.
- Add conda recipe and use it in travis tests.
- Use package-level logger for test-related warnings.
- Move custom exceptions to a dedicated module.
- Raise SrFitError on failed validation.
- Raise SrFitError when bond valences are all zero.
- Add dir method to Equation, ParameterProxy and RecipeContainer.
- Remove unused class ParameterFactory.
- Support SpaceGroup-types in constrainAsSpaceGroup.
- Fix duplicate names of test methods.
- Clean up redundant imports reported by pyflakes.
- Update README with conda instructions.
- Disclaim compatibility with Python 2.6.
- Use diffpy channel for conda build in travis.