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Our work on cardiac myocyte half lifes with a focus on transcripts / proteins


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Starting from alignments (BAM files), pulseRTc can be used to infer genome-wide kinetics of RNA abundance from 4sU-tagging metabolic labeling methods, including biochemical enrichment after thiol-specific biotinylation, and recent approaches such as SLAM-seq, TimeLapse-seq or TUC-seq that rely on bioinformatic enrichment of newly transcribed RNAs.

We use pulseR, a kinetic and statistical modelling framework, to estimate RNA decay rates (half-lives).

Kinetic models for biochemical separation (with or without spike-ins) and nucleotide conversion protocols are pre-defined for a pulse labeling experiment. These models can be modified to reflect differences in experimental procedures ( e.g. chase experiment), but this requires a bit of R scripting, see models. Currently, the pre-processing workflow for nucleotide conversion protocols splits input alignment (BAM) files into "labelled" (reads with T -> C) and "unlabelled" (old/pre-existing reads without T -> C), according to the presence or not of characteristic mismatches ( after quality filtering, SNPs removal, etc. ).

Getting started

Clone the git repository

git clone
cd pulseRTc

Create a conda environment and activate it

# or use mamba...
conda env create --name pulsertc --file environment.yml
conda activate pulsertc

General dependencies include Samtools, BCFtools, and Picard Tools. Picard Tools is optional. For gene abundance quantification, Subread (featureCounts) is also installed. See below for transcript abundance quantification. Comment out corresponding lines in environment.yml, before creating the environment, to skip installation of selected dependencies.

For transcript abundance quantification, GffRead and Salmon are required, however Salmon is currently NOT installable via conda, see here. If you have existing installations, you can specify paths to binaries for both Salmon and GffRead in makefile.vars.

Install additional R packages

# install pulseR
Rscript scripts/R/install_extra_r_pkgs.R

Install pulseRTc. To install the local VCS project in development mode, use the --editable or -e option, otherwise this flag can be ignored

pip --verbose install [-e] . 2>&1 | tee install.log

Running pulseRTc

The workflow is made up of different parts which may or may not all be run sequentially. To get started, cd scripts, and set all paths, variables, and program options in makefile.vars. None of these paths is required to be located in this repository, i.e. they can be anywhere on your system, as long as they are accessible from the calling context. Most of them are self-explanatory, e.g INDEXLOC is the path to your FASTA and GTF files, etc. You also need to define which commands MKCMD are used to call programs, i.e. whether you use Slurm, or simply bash, etc.

We also provide examples of SAMPLELIST.TXT (optional) and config.yaml (required) that are defined using variables SAMPLELIST and YML, respectively. DATALOC is the location where these files reside.

Make sure you have permission for all scripts! This can be done e.g. by chmod +x filename


If your BAM files are ready to be processed, the first step is to run BCFtools to get SNPs, see next step. In general, removing duplicate ( e.g due to PCR artefacts) might help to reduce the number of false positives for variant calling.

BAM files need to be sorted and indexed. They require the MD tag! If they do not, you can try samtools calmd file.sorted.bam reference.fasta > where the reference fasta must be the same as the one used for mapping.

Estimate SNPs

If your BAM files are ready to be processed, then you want to get SNPs. We recommend to use BCFtools, as it is installed in the environment. You need to make sure BCFLOC and OUTPUT_BCF are set, and make run-bcftools. The final location of your BAM files is defined in the config.yaml using the bamloc key. This is automatically picked-up by makefile.vars.

Run splbam (split BAM files into "old" and "new")

Once this is done, you need to update the snpdata key in the config.yaml with the output of BCFtools (or GRAND-SLAM), and set vcf: True if using the BCFtools output. You need to set parent and any program options, and make run-workflow. After completion, you can get some summary statistics using make plot-mm.

Abundance estimation - gene

We are now ready to proceed to read abundance quantification, as pulseR needs read counts as input. If we are interested in gene read counts, then we can use featureCounts, and make count-fc. For transcript quantification, see further below.


To prepare pulseR input from featureCounts tables, we make prep-fc, then fit the models using make pulse-all-fc-counts. Before fitting the models, selected time points have to be defined in time_pts.R.

make pulse-all-fc-counts will fit all time points defined in time_pts.R using allSets. After these results are available, you can fit subsets of time points using timeSets and make pulse-set-fc-counts.

The script prep_fc.R called using make prep-fc is NOT all-purpose, and may need to be adjusted depending on your data. If you already have count tables and associated metadata (R objects), they can be put under pulsedir/featureCounts/data, where pulsedir is given in the config.yaml. The count tables must be named counts.rds (gene by samples), and the metadata samples.rds, with columns sample fraction time rep, where sample must match the columns names of counts.rds.

If you have matching results from GRAND-SLAM, you can combine all estimates from pulseR and GRAND-SLAM together by make match-gs.

Abundance estimation - transcript

We use Salmon for transcript abundance quantification (and GffRead to extract transcript sequences). Variables INDEX_SALMON, SALMON_PATH, SALMON_OPTS, and GFFREAD_PATH need to be set in makefile.vars. We use Salmon in (quasi-mapping) mapping-based mode with a decoy-aware transcriptome (using the entire genome): the indexing step is independent of the reads, and only needs to be run once for a particular set of reference transcripts. This can be done with get-salmon-index. This generally results in larger index files, see here for other options. If you already have an index, you can skip this part, but make sure to set INDEX_SALMON to the parent directory of your index files, which must be located in a sub-directory called index.

Since we already have split BAM files, we only need to convert them back to FASTQ. Salmon does not currently have built-in support for interleaved FASTQ files, so READ1 and READ1 (paired-end sequencing reads) flags are directed to different files. Since our BAM files were coordinate sorted, we shuffle and groups reads beforehand. This is done with make run-bam2fastq, followed by make run-salmon-qm.

Downstrean analyses

Some scripts are available e.g. to compare pulseR and GRAND-SLAM results, or perform DGE to check gene expression at varying labeling times vs. 0 (unlabelled), however many of these currently contain hard coded parameters/options.

More explanations


We use the terminology labelled (new) and unlabelled (old), although this can be inadequate, e.g. a read can be new without being labelled (few Ts present, low incorporation, etc.).

SNPs estimation

For SNPs estimation, we recommend to use all samples, including 0h time points.

Read mapping and processing (splbam)

Mapped reads must have the MD attribute (e.g. for STAR --outSAMattributes MD). This is necessary to find mismatches. Reads are processed using the entire query sequence, including soft-clipped bases. You can use --trim5p and --trimp3p to remove mismatches at the ends of the reads, but note that this is done based on the mapped sequence.

Reads are sorted into first and second in pair for quality control. In general, one read is sense, the other one is antisense. We define a read pair to be sense, if the first read is sense, and antisense if the first read is antisense. For stranded libraries, sense pairs map to the + strand, and vice versa. For reverse-stranded libraries, antisense pairs map to the + strand, and vice versa.

To sort reads, all mismatches are reported with respect to the + strand, e.g. a T->C on the + RNA template is reported as T->C, and an A->G on the - RNA template is also reported as T->C. However, for quality control, aligned pairs are reported consistently with the read orientation/protocol at sequencing.


Our work on cardiac myocyte half lifes with a focus on transcripts / proteins







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