Offline Android companion for
For Western Students of Japanese, by far the most difficult obstacle to mastery is kanji. Japanese students learn these through years of repetition, but this requires a significant time investment for an adult non-native speaker. Besides that, it is not an interesting way to study, and similar looking kanji can easily be confused.
James Heisig created a method for learning to recognise kanji by breaking them down into "keywords" and "primitives", and using these to create kanji "stories". He documented this method in his bestselling book "Remembering the Kanji", which has since undergone numerous revisions.
Of course, a student is free to create kanji stories of their own which assist them in memorisation. A website called exists to help students share kanji stories, even relabel keywords and primitives.
I personally use this website daily as part of my studies, but often when attempting to read or recognise kanji I do not have access to a PC. I might be on a train or on the street in Japan, and truthfully the website was not created for mobile browsing, so it is quite inconvenient to lookup kanji on a smartphone. Besides that, the website is lacking features such as the ability to look up kanji by its components.
This has motivated me to create a companion application, KoohiiAite, to address these shortcomings, and make it simple for Heisig students to quickly lookup kanji and read/write stories wherever they happen to be.