For this media component i have used Flowjs library.
This component previews the image you upload and on click it allows you to upload a new image.
- On Profile.Vue is a sample how this component can be used.
- FileService.js -> Gets base64 image from api and converts to image.
export default {
getBase64(file) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (e) => {
This is a single upload component .
import Flow from '@flowjs/flow.js'; // import flow.js
export default {
name: 'MediaUpload',
props: {
resource: {
type: String,
required: false
options: {
type: Object,
required: false
data() {
return {
defaultOptions: {
allowDuplicateUploads: true,
attributes: { accept: 'image/*' }
}, // these are default options for component , can add more as we may need
defaultAvatar: 'assets/default-bike-avatar.svg' //choose one image as default if there is no image given as prop
computed: { // on computed we have TWO main METHODS GET() and SET()
mediaAvatar: {
get() {
return this.resource;
set() {
return this.resource;
mounted() {
const vm = this;
const attributes = { accept: 'image/*' };
const flow = new Flow(vm.defaultOptions);
// flow.assignBrowse(attributes);
flow.assignBrowse(this.$refs.button, false, true, attributes);
flow.on('fileAdded', (file, event) => {
vm.$emit('fileAdded', { file, event });
}); // event fired when a file was added
flow.on('fileSuccess', (file, message) => {
vm.$emit('fileSuccess', { file, message });
}); // event fired when file added successfully
flow.on('fileError', (file, message) => {
vm.$emit('fileError', { file, message });
}); // event fired when upload was not successfully
methods: {
defaultImage() {
this.resource = this.defaultAvatar;