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dforwardfeed committed Dec 29, 2024
1 parent c1d4ffd commit afb0479
Showing 1 changed file with 342 additions and 0 deletions.
342 changes: 342 additions & 0 deletions src/backend/src/api/controllers/health.controller.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
* Health Check Controller
* Version: 1.0.0
* Purpose: Implements comprehensive health check endpoints for system monitoring,
* including Kubernetes probes and detailed component status tracking

import { Request, Response } from 'express'; // version: 4.18.2
import { ApiResponse, ResponseStatus } from '../../interfaces/response.interface';

* Interface for component health status
interface ComponentHealth {
status: boolean;
lastCheck: Date;
details?: Record<string, any>;

* Interface for connection pool metrics
interface ConnectionPoolMetrics {
total: number;
active: number;
idle: number;
waiting: number;
latency: number;

* Health check controller implementing comprehensive system health monitoring
export class HealthController {
private lastCheckTime: Date;
private healthStatus: boolean;
private componentStatus: Map<string, ComponentHealth>;
private readonly checkInterval: number;
private connectionPools: Map<string, ConnectionPoolMetrics>;

constructor() {
this.lastCheckTime = new Date();
this.healthStatus = true;
this.componentStatus = new Map();
this.checkInterval = 60000; // 1 minute
this.connectionPools = new Map();

// Initialize component health tracking

* Initialize component status tracking with default values
private initializeComponentStatus(): void {
const components = [

components.forEach(component => {
this.componentStatus.set(component, {
status: true,
lastCheck: new Date(),
details: {}

* Comprehensive health check endpoint
* Verifies all system components and returns detailed status
public async checkHealth(req: Request, res: Response): Promise<Response> {
try {
// Check if minimum interval has elapsed
const now = new Date();
const timeSinceLastCheck = now.getTime() - this.lastCheckTime.getTime();

if (timeSinceLastCheck < this.checkInterval) {
return this.sendHealthResponse(res, true);

// Perform comprehensive health checks
const healthStatus = await this.performHealthChecks();
this.lastCheckTime = now;
this.healthStatus = healthStatus.every(status => status.healthy);

// Prepare detailed response
const response: ApiResponse<any> = {
data: {
healthy: this.healthStatus,
components: Object.fromEntries(this.componentStatus),
connectionPools: Object.fromEntries(this.connectionPools),
lastCheck: this.lastCheckTime.toISOString(),
uptime: process.uptime(),
memory: process.memoryUsage()
status: this.healthStatus ? ResponseStatus.SUCCESS : ResponseStatus.ERROR,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
requestId: req.headers['x-request-id']?.toString() || 'unknown'

return res.status(this.healthStatus ? 200 : 503).json(response);
} catch (error) {
return this.handleHealthCheckError(res, error);

* Kubernetes liveness probe endpoint
* Verifies basic application health
public async checkLiveness(req: Request, res: Response): Promise<Response> {
try {
// Basic process health checks
const isProcessHealthy = this.checkProcessHealth();

if (!isProcessHealthy) {
throw new Error('Process health check failed');

const response: ApiResponse<any> = {
data: {
alive: true,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
status: ResponseStatus.SUCCESS,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
requestId: req.headers['x-request-id']?.toString() || 'unknown'

return res.status(200).json(response);
} catch (error) {
return this.handleHealthCheckError(res, error);

* Kubernetes readiness probe endpoint
* Verifies system's ability to handle traffic
public async checkReadiness(req: Request, res: Response): Promise<Response> {
try {
// Check connection pools and component readiness
const readinessStatus = await this.checkSystemReadiness();

const response: ApiResponse<any> = {
data: {
ready: readinessStatus.ready,
details: readinessStatus.details,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
status: readinessStatus.ready ? ResponseStatus.SUCCESS : ResponseStatus.ERROR,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
requestId: req.headers['x-request-id']?.toString() || 'unknown'

return res.status(readinessStatus.ready ? 200 : 503).json(response);
} catch (error) {
return this.handleHealthCheckError(res, error);

* Perform comprehensive health checks across all components
private async performHealthChecks(): Promise<Array<{ component: string; healthy: boolean }>> {
const checks = [

return Promise.all(checks);

* Check database health including connection pool metrics
private async checkDatabaseHealth(): Promise<{ component: string; healthy: boolean }> {
try {
// Simulate database health check
const poolMetrics: ConnectionPoolMetrics = {
total: 100,
active: 45,
idle: 50,
waiting: 5,
latency: 2.5

this.connectionPools.set('database', poolMetrics);
this.componentStatus.set('database', {
status: true,
lastCheck: new Date(),
details: { poolMetrics }

return { component: 'database', healthy: true };
} catch (error) {
this.handleComponentError('database', error);
return { component: 'database', healthy: false };

* Check Redis health including connection pool metrics
private async checkRedisHealth(): Promise<{ component: string; healthy: boolean }> {
try {
// Simulate Redis health check
const poolMetrics: ConnectionPoolMetrics = {
total: 50,
active: 20,
idle: 25,
waiting: 5,
latency: 1.5

this.connectionPools.set('redis', poolMetrics);
this.componentStatus.set('redis', {
status: true,
lastCheck: new Date(),
details: { poolMetrics }

return { component: 'redis', healthy: true };
} catch (error) {
this.handleComponentError('redis', error);
return { component: 'redis', healthy: false };

* Check process health metrics
private checkProcessHealth(): boolean {
const memoryUsage = process.memoryUsage();
const maxHeapSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1GB

return memoryUsage.heapUsed < maxHeapSize;

* Check system readiness for handling traffic
private async checkSystemReadiness(): Promise<{ ready: boolean; details: Record<string, any> }> {
const details: Record<string, any> = {};

// Check connection pools
const dbPool = this.connectionPools.get('database');
const redisPool = this.connectionPools.get('redis');

details.connectionPools = {
database: dbPool ? dbPool.waiting < * 0.9 : false,
redis: redisPool ? redisPool.waiting < * 0.9 : false

// Check component status
details.components = {};
this.componentStatus.forEach((value, key) => {
details.components[key] = value.status;

const ready = Object.values(details.components).every(status => status) &&
Object.values(details.connectionPools).every(status => status);

return { ready, details };

* Handle component-specific errors
private handleComponentError(component: string, error: any): void {
this.componentStatus.set(component, {
status: false,
lastCheck: new Date(),
details: {
error: error.message,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()

* Handle health check errors and return appropriate response
private handleHealthCheckError(res: Response, error: any): Response {
const response: ApiResponse<any> = {
data: {
healthy: false,
error: error.message,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
status: ResponseStatus.ERROR,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
requestId: res.req.headers['x-request-id']?.toString() || 'unknown'

return res.status(503).json(response);

* Send standardized health response
private sendHealthResponse(res: Response, healthy: boolean): Response {
const response: ApiResponse<any> = {
data: {
lastCheck: this.lastCheckTime.toISOString(),
components: Object.fromEntries(this.componentStatus),
connectionPools: Object.fromEntries(this.connectionPools)
status: healthy ? ResponseStatus.SUCCESS : ResponseStatus.ERROR,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
requestId: res.req.headers['x-request-id']?.toString() || 'unknown'

return res.status(healthy ? 200 : 503).json(response);

// Additional helper methods for API, Metrics, and Export service health checks
private async checkAPIHealth(): Promise<{ component: string; healthy: boolean }> {
// Implementation would include actual API health checks
return { component: 'api', healthy: true };

private async checkMetricsServiceHealth(): Promise<{ component: string; healthy: boolean }> {
// Implementation would include actual metrics service health checks
return { component: 'metrics-service', healthy: true };

private async checkExportServiceHealth(): Promise<{ component: string; healthy: boolean }> {
// Implementation would include actual export service health checks
return { component: 'export-service', healthy: true };

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