This repository store different Rscripts to plot different kind of biological data. The example files can be found on example_files directory.
This script use the ggplot package to create a stacked barplot of genomic positions with different allele frequencies, e.g. data of intrahost variants. The tabular file should have six columns:
- genome: The name of genome, will be used as title of barplot
- position: The genomic positions
- major_depth: The depth of major allele
- minor_depth: The depth of minor allele
- major_nuc: The symbol present as major allele
- minor_nuc: The symbol present as minor allele
Rscript frequency.R frequency_example.tsv
This script use the karyoploteR package to create a plot of sequecing depth over the genome. The rscript is configured to SARS-CoV-2 genome, for other viruses, the start and end variables should be modified in lines 23 and 25. Three files are needed:
- sorted.bam: The sorted bam file.
- sorted.bam.bai: The index of sorted bam file.
- cytobands.tsv: A tsv file with cytobands information.
The script receive 3 arguments:
Rscript karyoplot.R <sorted.bem> <cytobands.tsv> <sample_name>
Rscript karyoplot.R example_files/karyoplot_example.sorted.bam example_files/karyoplot_example_cytobands.tsv karyoplot
This script convert YYYY-MM-DD date to decimal date format, a pattern used in several bioinformatics tools.
The script receive 2 arguments:
Rscript convert_date.r <input> <output>
Rscript convert_date.r example_files/date.tsv dates.csv