#moduleFMU This is a module to import and cosimulation of FMUs, developed using FMI standards, for MBDyn.
- MBDyn simulation software. (can be downloaded from https://www.mbdyn.org/?Software_Download)
- This module is created by using FMILibrary. FMILibrary is a JModellica software that enables integration of Functional Mock-up Units (FMUs) import in applications. It can be downloaded from http://www.jmodelica.org/FMILibrary
- In Makefile.inc from modules/module-FMU/ in mbdyn-VERSION, replace
$FMIL: Location where build directory of FMILibrary exists.
$FMII: Location where FMILibrary is installed.
#Input Syntax The syntax for using the module is:
module load: "libmodule-FMU";
user defined:
<label>, FMU, “<location to FMU>”,
type, <cosimulation/import>, tolerance, <tolerance value>,
<fmu input variable>, <drive caller>,
<fmu input variable>, <drive caller>,
output, yes;
Example Usage:
user defined:
99, FMU, "/location/to/VanderPol.fmu",
type, cosimulation,
"u", node, 1, structural, string, "X[3]", direct,
"u2", node, 1, structural, string, "X[2]", direct,
output, yes;
#Testing To make sure module is working fine,
- Look for FMIL Error
- MBDyn should terminate successfully
- The .out file will have the output states.
- Currently the module does not support the string drive.
- The module gives a segmentation fault if FMU with version 1.0 is used with simulation type not supported by the FMU.
- Constant timestep for cosimulation.
#Test Cases: All the FMUs which are tested are from: https://trac.fmi-standard.org/browser/branches/public/Test_FMUs