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A list of 3rd party Applications and Tools for the awesome Eve Online MMO.

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3rd Party Apps & Tools

There are those who play Eve Online using the game's given UI and there are those who manipulate the data and create tools to work within the Eve Online Universe. This is an attempt to keep an updated and maintained list of some of the many great tools and applications.

Process to be listed:

  • Create a Pull Request with the name of your tool, the URL (or app name) of your tool, a category it should go into, and a very brief description of what it does.
  • Your product should be user friendly and beyond "beta" stages.
  • If approved, it will be added! Yay!

Since Eve apps and websites come and go we will try to check each of the them periodically and keep the list up to date.


Since February 2025, CCP provides an official spot to list 3rd party apps & tools at the EVE Developer Documentation website. It takes over from this community-maintained repository as the recommended place to list your project.

ESI Discussion

You can participate with CCP devs and third party devs by joining Discord and hopping into the #3rd-party-dev-and-esi channel. Do be polite.

Table Of Contents

Capsuleer Tools

Various Tools

  • PyEveLiveDPS - PyEveLiveDPS (PELD) is a live DPS calculator and grapher for many combat statistics
  • EVE Ref - EVE Online reference site with full item database and stats.
  • GESI - Google Sheets script to interact with ESI.
  • Eve Fleet Simulator - Simulate fleet PvP and compare/analyse fits and hulls.
  • EVE Workbench - EVE Workbench is a web based tool for the EVE community, allowing players to browse the market, create haul routes and browse & share fittings.
  • EVEMissioneer - An EVE Online agent finder and explorer with optional SSO standings integration. Includes Faction Warfare stats and leaderboards.
  • JitaCalendar - Web-based Eve calendar client. API requests done client-side; no server storage.
  • Abyss Tracker - A loot tracker specifically for the Abyss Runners in EVE Online. Share your runs and analyze them. Its connected to EVE Workbench for the fits.
  • EVE Buddy - A desktop companion app for Windows, Linux and macOS: Character Management, Asset Search, PI Tracker, Desktop notifications, Mail client and more.


  • Fuzzwork Mail - Fuzzwork Evemail, an ESI Evemail client. Clientside based, no storage.
  • JitaMail - Web-based EveMail client. API requests done client-side; no server storage.

Fitting Tools

  • - View, Create, and Share your EVE Online ship fits online.
  • Pyfa - allows you to create, experiment with, and save ship fittings without being in game.


  • Eve Gate Camp Check - Navigation specifically tuned towards kills happening at gates.
  • EveWho - List members of a corp or alliance from out of game.
  • SeAT - SeAT is a EVE Online Corporation Management Tool written in PHP.
  • PySpy - A powerful and fast character intel tool. Just copy past & paste pilot names from local. Great for hunting, fleet scouting and solo / small gang PVP.
  • TheraBot - A Discord bot that posts notifications of newly scouted wormhole connections to Thera.
  • IntelWalker - A standalone application which monitors intel chat logs and acts as a five jump early warning system.
  • EveIntelChecker - A compact desktop tool that filters relevant messages across Intel chat channels.
  • Eve Squadron - A cross-platform Intel Tool that provides quick access to important character metrics and statistics from the copied Character-Names - fetched live from Eve and zKillboard Servers.
  • RIFT Intel Fusion Tool - Desktop app for Windows, Linux and macOS, with intel channels monitoring, flexible alerts, advanced map, and more.
  • Eve411 - Eve411 is a web-based character, D-scan, and Local intel tool - fetched live from ESI and zKillboard.

Character Management

  • Cerebral - Cerebral is a tool for monitoring your EVE Online characters.
  • EveMonk - EveMonk is tool for monitoring EVE Online characters info. From wallet and security status to standings. Source code
  • QSNA EVE Board - Web based app for tracking standings, skills, queue and ship masteries.

Mobile Applications

  • Evanova - Character and corporation management tool featuring a fitting tool, database browsing and more.
  • Neocom II for EVE Online - View your EVE Online characters and skills, browse EVE Online items database, analyze market information, test ship fits on your iPhone/iPad or iPod Touch.
  • EVECompanion - Track your characters, skillqueues, wallet, contracts, industry jobs, assets and more directly from your iPhone. Also available for iPad and Mac.

Corporation/Alliance/Group tools

Management Tools

  • Seatplus - Modern flexible EVE Online API with the intent of corporation-, alliance management and recruitment.
  • EVE-SRP A web application to manage a ship replacement program.

Auth Systems

  • Alliance Auth - An auth system for EVE Online to help in-game organizations manage online service access.
    • Services Discord, Mumble, Openfire/Jabber, phpBB3, SMF, Teamspeak3, XenForo, Discourse and WikiJS (AA Community App)
    • Community Apps Fully featured Community built apps to extend Alliance Auth
  • AVRSE Auth - An FC focussed auth system with support for discord, mumble and IPB. Handles characters/assets/skills/structure management.
  • Neucore - Alliance Core Services - A web application for EVE Online communities to organise their members into groups, monitor them and provide access to external services. Features include group management, an API including an ESI proxy, a plugin system, service registration (Discord, etc.), member tracking, watchlists, and more.
  • DokuWiki EveSSO Plugin - DokuWiki authentication via eve online SSO and access control for corporations/alliances/factions
  • Keycloak EVE sso provider - Keycloak EVE sso provider

Discord Tools

  • Keepstar - An easy way to authenticate discord users against their ingame persona. Restrict roles based off of corps and alliances.
  • Opux - A Discord bot that provides various lookups and killmail feeds as well as Discord Role management.

Intel (Wormholes)

  • GalaxyFinder - wormhole mapping and info tool
  • - Wormhole info tool. Tells you about the WH and who is probably in it. Battles and links to zkillboard for kills.
  • Short Circuit - tool for finding shortest path between systems using Tripwire wormhole connections.
  • Wormhole by type - Tool and interactive sheet to identify every wormhole type in game.
  • Public Pathfinder - Popular Wormhole Mapping Tool.
  • EVEMetro - Pochven wormhole mapping service.
  • EVEMetroApi - Public API for EVEMetro for 3rd party tools.


  • zKillboard - A website for killmail presentation and statistical aggregation.
  • EVE-KILL - A killmail tracking website.

Killboard Utilities

  • RedisQ - A simple queue service for "pushing" killmails from zKillboard.
  • brcat - Tool for generating battle reports from killmails held on
  • zKillSlackBot - Tool for forwarding kills to slack from killmails held on


  • EVE Market Browser - An in-game market clone: Get real time market orders and price history from everywhere in New Eden.
  • EVE Trade - a tool to fill the gaps that EVE Central left behind. It allows users to find great deals when it comes to station trading or hauling. The tool will run market analysis on station to station trades as well as region to region trades (public citadels included).
  • ISK Per Hour EVE - Isk per Hour is a Windows program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, mining, invention, and reverse engineering.
  • MarketBot - A Discord bot for fetching the best item prices and other market data.
  • EveMarketTool - Bulk price check and find the items with the best trade flipping margins.
  • Priceall - a tool that checks Jita price of any item list with a single click without leaving game window. It is built upon Evepraisal. The tool as a widget supports various customization options including size, color, and opacity.
  • Abyssal Market - Web-based tool for searching through, appraising and buying abyssal modules that are available on the contract market.
  • MutaMarket - A platform specializing in managing, appraising, and trading abyssal modules, offering advanced tools like API integration and detailed inventory features.
  • Adam4EVE - A collection of market related tools and statistics including Margin finder, Market trends, Contract prices, Contract profit and more
  • Venal - A CLI alternative for Evernus Margin tool aimed at quick market reconnaissance and price updating.
  • Eve Insurance Fraud - Discover profitable ships from a specific regions market to buy off Sell order, insure and blow up!
  • EVE Tycoon - A profit tracking and order management application, with a market browser.
  • EVE Starweb - A web-based tool that provides Market, LP Store, and Appraisal, with support for multiple languages.



  • Dotlan - The ONLY eve map site you will ever need peroid. Jump planning, and route planning. A lot of info too much to list.
  • Eveeye Explorer - Interactive k-space maps + chain mapping.
  • Slazangers Map Tool (SMT) - Character/intel tracking, waypoint manipulation, live data for all your hunting/travelling needs(ratting, deaths, jumps etc) and some helpers for relic/data exploration
  • EVE Route - A route planner that supports Ansiblex jump gates and wormhole connections.
  • RIFT Intel Fusion Tool - Desktop app for Windows, Linux and macOS, with intel channels monitoring, flexible alerts, advanced map, and more.
  • Eden Navigator - Navigator tool that shows gatecamps, allows path avoidance and optimization via Thera, Turnur and Pochven if you have an EVE Metro susbscription.


  • EVE SRP mail - A simple mailing tool for use in Corporations with Ship Replacement Programs. Mails from contracts.
  • jeveassets - Asset viewer, with market values.
  • Eve-Files - Upload Eve related files for sharing.
  • EVEOTS V2 - EVE Online Teamspeak Authenticator V2 using ESI API
  • EveChatNotifier - Outlook-Like Notifications for EVE Online chat
  • skŸlizer - Moon, Goo and SCAN analyzer - keep track and share moon-ore and scans
  • QSNA Log Analyzer - Tool for loading gamelogs from game sessions and displaying statistics of game session


  • Eve-HR - Create a recruitment webpage for your corporation and be able to view applicants ESI data.
  • r/evejobs - Intergalatic job board.
  • EVE University Work Fair - Where corporations can advertise and give information about what it is like to be a member of their corporation.

Planetary Interaction


  • SkillQ - A simple webapp for monitoring skill queues of various characters.
  • - Web based and responsive skill planner to plan and share your training using your favourite devices - PC/Mac, tablet or smartphone.


  • - Easily share structure timers with your alliance, corporation, and allies.

Developer resources & documentation




  • Official Resources - CCP's developer site, including the SDE and image collection.
  • EVE SDE Database Builder - Customizable Window's application to import CCP's SDE into various Database formats and languages.
  • Fuzzwork SDE Conversions - SDE conversions, to Mysql, sqlite, postgres and CSV.
  • Fuzzwork SDE Converter - The conversion tool for going from the official yaml SDE to one in a DB.
  • Mock ESI - A mock ESI server for consistently testing ESI Consumers, wrapped in a Docker image.
  • JSON version of SDE - Download SDE tables in JSON format.
  • ESI Data - Provides JSON files for some static data from ESI.
  • Hoboleaks SDE expansion - provides json files extracted from the client, for some data not in the SDE. like what industry rig affects which modules.


  • EVE MarketWatch - Self contained market microservices that pumps market changes over a websocket.
  • EVE Axiom - Self contained killmail to dogma attribute processor. Feed it ESI Killmail data and it spits out the ship, module, and drone attributes.
  • eve-shields - Web service for creating Eve Online related badges for web sites and github readme's with
  • EVE ESI Proxy - a proxy server on Docker for talking to the ESI, handling OAuth2, caching, rate limiting, multiples pages, etc.

Developer tools & libraries


  • eve-esi - Java library to access the ESI API
  • eve-esi-client - Auto-generated Swagger client (in Java) for ESI
  • ESI Proxy - A Java serlvet which acts as a proxy for the ESI translating key/hash pairs (created by the proxy) into auto-refreshed OAuth authorization tokens.


  • laz-eve-esi - Free Pascal library for creating your own, small and fast applications for various operating systems


  • iveeCore - PHP Library for calculations of industrial activities
  • Eseye - Standalone, Dynamic PHP Client Library for the ESI API
  • swagger-eve-php - Auto-generated OpenAPI client for ESI
  • Esi-Client - A rfc7234 (caching) capable ESI (Eve Swagger Interface) Client Library using guzzle7/PSR Client


  • EsiPy - Python library (on top of pyswagger) to interact with the ESI API
  • django-esi - Django app for easy access to the ESI API and Eve SSO
  • django-eveuniverse - Django app providing a complete set of Eve Online universe models (e.g. solar systems, types) with on-demand loading from ESI




  • eveRwrapper - An R programming language package for the Eve Swagger Interface written as a wrapper utilizing HTTP protocols.


  • ESI.NET - A C# wrapper for the ESI API.
  • EVEStandard - A C# library for accessing the EVE Online ESI API. This library is .NET Standard compatible.
  • EVE Online Library.NET - C#.NET library for interacting with a vareity of official and unoffical APIs including ZKillboard, CREST, Element43, and others. Friendly reminder: EVE XML & CREST are dead
  • ESI Connection Library - C#.NET library for connecting with ESI
  • ESIClient.Dotcore - Dotcore API wrapper to interact with the ESI API
  • zKbProxy - A simple proxy for testing against RedisQ


  • goesi - Go library using versioned endpoints to access ESI, SSO, CREST, and XMLAPI
  • go-eveonline - Go package for the EVE Online ESI and SDE


  • CFESI - ColdFusion (CFML) CFC API wrapper to interact with the ESI API
  • EVE-Online-ESI-Posh - Powershell Module for the ESI API
  • esiJS - Compact and powerful NodeJS module for the ESI API
  • GESI - ESI library for Google Docs with auth flow



  • libdgmpp Fitting engine for EVE Online written on C++ with wrappers for Java and Android.

Abandoned & Outdated

  • Siggy - wormhole mapping tool


A list of 3rd party Applications and Tools for the awesome Eve Online MMO.






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