A Visual Studio Code extension for enhancing the development and testing of Maestro YAML files, providing IntelliSense, syntax highlighting, formatting, test execution, and output visualization.
Codepad is a web-based code editor designed specifically for Dart projects. It is a product of DartMind, a company dedicated to providing innovative tools and resources for Dart developers. Codepad…
A social media content generation app for businesses
A livechat plugin for embedding mobile chat window in your mobile application.
A Flutter plugin used to detect links in texts using NSDataDetector on iOS and TextClassifier on Android
Flexible and extensible Express middleware for handling file uploads. Written in Typescript with support for various storage engines.
This repository is designed to guide Dart developers through the view of testing in Dart and Flutter, emphasizing a test-driven development (TDD) approach.
Mobile App: Generate your next article idea with ease. Powered by OpenAI.
Generate your next article idea with ease. Powered by OpenAI.
An app with all essentials to user account registration using email and password.
This is a Todo app. It is build solely for learning purposes.
The Talk Stream Backend is the backend repository for the Talk Stream Application, a web-based chat application that allows users to join chat rooms and communicate with other users in real-time. …
Talk Stream is a real-time chat application that allows users to communicate with other users.
Zapp! A free online sandbox environment for building Flutter applications in the browser.
A simple WebSocket client for Dart which includes automatic reconnection logic.
Chance Dart is a free Open Source project that lets you create random strings, integers, and other things to help with tiresome tasks, especially when building automated tests or wherever else you…
🤔 IIRC (If I remember correctly): For keeping track of important recurring events.
Flutter package that triggers action depending on the position of the phone
A button to be used in a Form, which will pass the Form's state in the onPressed method.