Version 0.4
This marks the first production release of GewässerCampus 🎉
GewässerCampus is an educational project on Limnology aiming to provide students the possibility to analyse, publish and discuss results of self-conducted measurements of water-quality in rivers and lakes. It is developed by desklab in cooperation with the TU Kaiserslautern and funded by the DBU. See for more information
It is open-source and licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
What's Changed
- Report problem by @nlwach in #63
- Calibration restyling by @nlwach in #65
- Water views and improvements based on user-feedback by @ax-sc in #66
- Measurement document cache by @jnsdrtlf in #67
- Scheduled maintenance tasks by @jnsdrtlf in #64
Full Changelog: 0.3.0rc1...0.4