Bug Fixes
Allow exclusion of Shadow DOM content (cc66eb2 )
Avoid flatTree memory leak (a902e80 )
main-is-top-level: Rename check to landmark-is-top-level for greater reuse (b405af1 )
Avoid timing issue with axe cleanup method (24ea6a7 )
correct misnamed check (1e709e0 )
Correct runOnly object for TypeScript definition (571e984 )
has-at-least-one-main: Rename check to page-has-main, for reusability (9a9c283 )
has-no-more-than-one-main: Rename check to page-no-duplicate for better reuse (e75324b )
region: Ignore forms without accessible name as landmarks (8ad2718 )
rule: skip-link rule doesn't decode URI encoded href's (818b5cd )
Ensure all rules have a category tag (d61e67d )
make getSelector work with URIs that cannot be shortened (a113555 )
Make aria-level required with role=heading #740 (64b743f )
aria: allow DPUB ARIA roles (70b48f6 )
frame-tested: Use this new rule to test if all frames are available, instead of axe.log (83cd17d )
landmark-contentinfo-is-top-level: add rule ensuring top level contentinfo (5692e7d )
landmark-no-more-than-one-banner: add rule ensuring no more than one banner (6617800 )
landmark-no-more-than-one-contentinfo: add rule ensuring no more than one contentinfo (82217ef )
page-has-heading-one: Added new best-practice rule (cb8f261 )
rules: add new rule aria-dpub-role-fallback (9470c02 )
Make options.runOnly more forgiving about plurality (fa81f9d )
Translated all 3.0 rules to Japanese (3862e7e )
Incorrect use of runOnly now throws errors
main-is-top-level: The check main-is-top-level is no longer available
has-at-least-one-main: Original has-at-least-one-main check is no longer available
You can’t perform that action at this time.