GraphSite is a novel framework for sequence-based protein-DNA binding site prediction using graph transformer and predicted protein structures from AlphaFold2. We recommend you to use the web server of GraphSite if your input is small.
GraphSite is developed under Linux environment with:
python 3.8.5
numpy 1.19.1
pandas 1.1.3
torch 1.7.1
biopython 1.78
To run the full & accurate version of GraphSite, you need to install the following three software and download the corresponding databases:
BLAST+ and UniRef90
HH-suite and Uniclust30
Besides, you need to provide the predicted protein structures along with the single representations from AlphaFold2. We recommend you to register and use the Tianhe-2 supercomputer platform, where AlphaFold2 was already installed with graphical interface. You can also visit AlphaFold Protein Structure Database to directly download the predicted structures and single representations (coming soon).
However, if you use the reduced version of GraphSite, the BLAST+&HH-suite and AlphaFold2 single representations are alternative.
- Use
in BLAST+ to build UniRef90 (guide). - Build Uniclust30 following this guide.
- Set path variables
Run full & accurate version of GraphSite:
python ./script/ --path ./demo/ --id 6ymw_B
This requires that the predicted structure 6ymw_B.pdb
and raw single representation 6ymw_B_single.npy
exist in the provided path.
The program uses the full model in default. If you want to use the reduced version of GraphSite that adopts only AlphaFold2 single representation as MSA information, type as follows:
python ./script/ --path ./demo/ --id 6ymw_B --msa single
Set --msa evo
to use only evolutionary features (PSSM + HMM) as MSA information (might causes large performance drop); Set --msa both
to use the full version of GraphSite, which is the default option.
We provide the datasets, the pre-predicted structures, and the pre-trained models here for those interested in reproducing our paper.
The datasets used in this study (DNA_Train_573, DNA_Test_129 and DNA_Test_181) are stored in ./Dataset/ in fasta format.
The AlphaFold2-predicted structures of the proteins in these three datasets are also in ./Dataset/.
The pre-trained GraphSite models can be found under ./Model/.
Qianmu Yuan ([email protected])
Yuedong Yang ([email protected])