PUB-93 - Add support for labelling on all resources #130
4 new issues (0 max.) of at least minor severity.
Here is an overview of what got changed by this pull request:
+ Solved 24
- Added 4
Coverage increased per file
+ src/client/googlePubSub/index.ts 7.894
+ src/client/googlePubSub/subscriptions.ts 2.111
+ src/topic/index.ts 0.833
+ src/subscriber/subscriberV2.ts 0.181
+ src/service/pubsub.ts 0.266
Coverage decreased per file
- src/service/logger.ts -14.0
Complexity increasing per file
- src/utils.ts 7
- src/client/googlePubSub/deadLetter.ts 7
- src/client/googlePubSub/index.ts 1
- src/service/logger.ts 1
- src/cli/commands/list.ts 1
Complexity decreasing per file
+ src/topic/index.ts -1
Clones added
- src/client/googlePubSub/deadLetter.ts 1
- src/client/googlePubSub/index.ts 1
- __tests__/topic.with-custom-credentials.test.ts 1
- __tests__/subscription.with-custom-credentials.test.ts 1
- src/topic/index.ts 1
Clones removed
+ __tests__/topic.test.ts -2
See the complete overview on Codacy
Check failure on line 1 in src/client/googlePubSub/deadLetter.ts
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Unable to resolve path to module '@google-cloud/pubsub'.
Check notice on line 105 in src/client/googlePubSub/index.ts
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Replace `·await·this.handleDeadLetterPolicyConfigurations(⏎······subscriber,⏎····` with `⏎······await·this.handleDeadLetterPolicyConfigurations(subscriber`
Check failure on line 1 in src/topic/index.ts
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Unable to resolve path to module '@google-cloud/pubsub'.
Check failure on line 1 in src/utils.ts
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
Unable to resolve path to module '@google-cloud/pubsub'.