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Nicolas Appriou edited this page Dec 6, 2024 · 1 revision

PUP Packs adds media contents to tables. More info on the product page. They have been partially adapted to VPinball standalone.

Add pup packs to existing table

VPinball will search for PUP Packs in a pupvideos directory in the same directory as the *.vpx file.

When a PUP Pack archive has been downloaded, the first thing to do is locate the root directory of pup media files. This is usually a directory containing a bunch of *.bat files. This directory must be copied into the pupvideos one created before.

For example, given the following archive content:

Futurama PuP and media
      Option 1 - Backglass DMD Separate.bat
      Option 2 - FullDMD on Backglass.bat

The entire puppack/futurama directory should be extracted into pupvideos, giving the following structure:

    Option 1 ...

Last thing to do is configure this pack according to your screen settings. PUP Packs generally offers several options in the form of *.bat files to execute. In non-windows systems, you will need to read those files to manually apply the appropriate commands. In the example above, the Option 2 - FullDMD on Backglass.bat tells us:

rem echo off
xcopy /y "PuP-Pack_Options\Option 2 - FullDMD on Backglass\*"
del /Q PuPDesktopPunch.exe
del /Q PuPInit.bat

This tells us to copy all files in pupvideos/futurama/PuP-Pack_Options\Option 2 - FullDMD on Backglass/ into pupvideos/futurama.

Once all this is done, the default settings in VPinballX.ini should be enough to display this PUP Pack.