This project showcases my work, skills, and projects through a dynamic, interactive web interface built with Next.js. It also includes a contact form powered by Nodemailer for easy communication.
- Next.js: Utilises the power of server-side rendering and static site generation for fast, optimised performance.
- Dynamic Rendering: React Hooks are used to dynamically display content, providing a responsive and smooth user experience.
- Navigation Header: A custom header allows for easy navigation between sections, including Home, Projects, and Contact.
- Projects Showcase: Highlights my work, displaying individual projects with descriptions, demos, links, and key technologies used.
- Contact Form: A fully functional contact form built with Nodemailer that sends emails directly to me.
- Frontend: Next.js, React.js, Typescript, CSS3
- Backend: Nodemailer (for contact form)
- State Management: React Hooks (useState, useEffect)
See the live site here