debomatic-webui is a web interface for Deb-o-Matic aims to give to users a simple way to browse logs and to know what's going on debomatic build service providing a real-time packages status. This interface is built up on node platform and uses intensely and jquery technologies. Whenever you want to leave a suggestion or file a bug report, please open a new issue.
You need JSONLogger debomatic module (provided along with this interface) to get installed in debomatic.
You can copy debomatic-modules/
or link to the modules directory. In the most cases:
sudo cp debomatic-modules/ /usr/share/debomatic/modules/
Restart debomatic service.
Install npm and nodejs on your system. On debian like systems type this in a command line:
sudo apt-get install npm nodejs
Move to debomatic-webui/ directory and type:
npm install
That command downloads node dependences locally and creates automatically user configuration file.
Take a look at auto-generated user.config.js. Edit as you wish and then run service with:
nodejs debomatic-webui -c user.config.js
That's all.