This Repository containes the code and resources to reproduce the work of Team
for UberHacktag Grand Finale 2021. We present to you Uber Explorer, which enables riders to search nearby attractions and pickup their favourite items. We release our apk file here.
Ensure the following directory structure:
├── android/
├── fonts/
├── images/
├── ios/
├── libs/
├── AllScreens/
├── exploreScreen.dart
├── loginScreen.dart
├── mainscreen.dart
├── place_detail.dart
├── registrationScreen.dart
├── searchScreen.dart
├── AllWidgets/
├── Divider.dart
├── progressDialog.dart
├── Assistants/
├── assistantMethods.dart
├── requestAssistant.dart
├── DataHandler/
├── appData.dart
├── Models/
├── Place_details.dart
├── address.dart
├── allUsers.dart
├── directDetails.dart
├── placePredictions.dart
├── configMaps.dart
├── main.dart
├── sounds/
├── test/
└── pubspec.yaml
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.