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a neural network-based feature selection algorithm for next-generation sequencing data


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wx keras version for everyone

We show the feature selection and Cancer/Normal classification result on TCGA dataset

A Keras implementation of Wx in preprint, :
[Wx: a neural network-based feature selection algorithm for next-generation sequencing data Sungsoo Park, Bonggun Shin, Yoonjung Choi, Kilsoo Kang, and Keunsoo Kang] (

Differences with the paper:

  • We use the Keras as Neural Network running framework, original paper used naive tensorflow framework
  • Selected Features can be different as which backend learning framework used
  • Some TCGA samples updated, so we have more samples than paper.


  • Your contributions to the repo are always welcome. Open an issue or contact me with E-mail [email protected]


Step 1.

Experienment Environments

$ python 3.4
$ tensorflow gpu 1.4.0
$ keras 2.1.2
Install instructions

$ pip install tensorflow-gpu
$ pip install keras

Step 2. Clone this repository to local.

$ git clone
$ cd DearWXpub

Step 3. Download the TCGA RNA-seq data

  1. Download rna-seq via TCGA-Assembler tool
  1. Run tcga_download.R
  • you may have to install releative packages
 - Shall Terminal
 $ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
   * deb: libssl-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
   * rpm: openssl-devel (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL)
   * csw: libssl_dev (Solaris)
   * brew: [email protected] (Mac OSX)
 $ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
   * deb: libcurl4-openssl-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
   * rpm: libcurl-devel (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL)
   * csw: libcurl_dev (Solaris)

- R-studio
 > install.packages('curl')
 > install.packages('httr')
 > install.packages('stringr')
 > install.packages('rjson')
  • you can see the 'TCGA_DATAS' folder in current DearWXpub path.
  1. Data Status
  TOTAL Tumor Normal Tumor Ratio(%)
TYPE 6226 5609 617 90.09
BLCA 427 408 19 95.55
BRCA 1214 1101 113 90.69
COAD 327 286 41 87.46
HNSC 566 522 44 92.23
KICH 90 65 25 72.22
KIRC 606 534 72 88.12
KIRP 323 291 32 90.09
LIHC 424 374 50 88.21
LUAD 576 517 59 89.76
LUSC 553 502 51 90.78
PRAD 549 497 52 90.53
THCA 571 512 59 89.67

Step 4. Do the Feature selection and Get Classification Accuracy

$ python src/

It will generate preprocessed TCGA data set. And Select features, Get the scores.


Selected Gene Markers

Keras Wx 14 ['EEF1A1','FN1','GAPDH','SFTPC','AHNAK','KLK3','UMOD','CTSB','COL1A1','GPX3','GNAS','ATP1A1','SFTPB','ACTB']

Peng 14 ['KIF4A','NUSAP1','HJURP','NEK2','FANCI','DTL','UHRF1','FEN1','IQGAP3','KIF20A','TRIM59','CENPL','C16ORF59','UBE2C']

with WX ranking ['KIF4A'(12970),'NUSAP1'(15886),'HJURP'(11479),'NEK2'(11939),'FANCI'(17123),'DTL'(12600),'UHRF1'(11825), 'FEN1'(17497),'IQGAP3'(14173),'KIF20A'(13057),'TRIM59'(11113),'CENPL'(10344),'C16ORF59'(9463),'UBE2C'(9039)]

edgeR 14 ['LCN1','UMOD','AQP2','PATE4','SLC12A1','OTOP2','ACTN3','KRT36','ATP2A1','PRH2','AGER','PYGM','PRR4','ESRRB']

with WX ranking ['LCN1'(3847),'UMOD'(7),'AQP2'(106),'PATE4'(5878),'SLC12A1'(165),'OTOP2'(7785),'ACTN3'(4939),'KRT36'(9441), 'ATP2A1'(14193),'PRH2'(2155),'AGER'(934),'PYGM'(13688),'PRR4'(2151),'ESRRB'(9630)]

Cancer Classifiation Accuracy

TCGA data( Downloaded at Dec. 26th. 2017 ), Half of data for feature selection / Half of data for validation

Accuracy of 14 Biomarker

              Wx 14       Peng 14       EdgeR 14      
TYPE SAMPLES Hit Acc(%) Hit Acc(%) Hit Acc(%)
TOTAL 3119 3017 96.72 2961 94.93 2957 94.81
BLCA 214 205 95.79 208 97.20 203 94.86
BRCA 608 597 98.19 586 96.38 558 91.78
COAD 164 155 94.51 143 87.20 162 98.78
HNSC 283 275 97.17 261 92.23 267 94.35
KICH 46 44 95.65 44 95.65 46 100.00
KIRC 303 302 99.67 293 96.70 301 99.34
KIRP 162 161 99.38 158 97.53 161 99.38
LIHC 212 192 90.57 201 94.81 186 87.74
LUAD 289 283 97.92 282 97.58 286 98.96
LUSC 277 272 98.19 268 96.75 275 99.28
PRAD 275 257 93.45 260 94.55 254 92.36
THCA 286 274 95.80 257 89.86 258 90.21

WX 14 AUC curve (LUSC, LUAD, BRCA)

roc_wx14_lusc roc_wx14_luad roc_wx14_brca

Accuracy of 7 Biomarker

Keras wx 7

'EEF1A1', 'FN1', 'GAPDH', 'SFTPC', 'AHNAK', 'KLK3', 'UMOD'

Martinez 7

BLCA : 'SMAD2', 'RUNX2', 'ABTB1', 'ST5', 'CEBPB', 'SETDB1', 'CEBPG'

BRCA : 'JAK2', 'NFKBIA', 'TBP', 'RXRA', 'VAV1', 'HES5', 'NFKBIB'

HNSC : 'DUSP16', 'KRT8', 'RAF1', 'MED1', 'PPARG', 'YWHAB', 'FABP1'

KIRC : 'AR', 'HGS', 'RUNX1', 'BCL3', 'BRCA1', 'STAT2', 'ITGA8'

LUAD : 'DOK1', 'FUT4', 'INSR', 'ITGB2', 'SHC1', 'PTPRC', 'KHDRBS1'

LUSC : 'BRCA1', 'ETS2', 'HIF1A', 'JUN', 'LMO4', 'PIAS3', 'RBBP7'

    WX 7   Martinez 7  
TYPE SAMPLES Hit Acc(%) Hit Acc(%)
TOTAL 3119 2986 95.74    
BLCA 214 205 95.79 206 96.26
BRCA 608 591 97.20 556 91.45
COAD 164 152 92.68    
HNSC 283 269 95.05 268 94.70
KICH 46 45 97.83    
KIRC 303 299 98.68 273 90.10
KIRP 162 162 100.00    
LIHC 212 187 88.21    
LUAD 289 283 97.92 260 89.97
LUSC 277 271 97.83 257 92.78
PRAD 275 249 90.55    
THCA 286 273 95.45    

Wx example from actual data file

$ python src/

Wx example for k > 2

$ python src/

Additional Validation


Cancer type : melanoma

Sample size
malignant : 1257
normal : 3256
total : 4513

Dataset splits(trn,dev,tst) = (3611, 902)
We perfomred the 5 fold cross validation

Accuracy Result (test set)
WX14 : 90.71%
Peng14 : 70.22%


Cancer type : luad(lung)

Sample size
malignant : 87
normal : 77
total : 164

Dataset splits(trn,dev,tst) = (132,32)
We perfomred the 5 fold cross validation

Accuracy Result(test set)
WX14 : 80.00%
Peng14 : 56.87%


Cancer type : Head and Neck(sinle cell)

Sample size
malignant : 2215
normal : 3687
total : 5902

Dataset splits(trn+dev,tst) = (4722,1180)
We perfomred the 5 fold cross validation

Accuracy Result(test set, 1180)
WX14 : 81.10%
Peng14 : 68.28%


a neural network-based feature selection algorithm for next-generation sequencing data








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