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tip: Add Type Accelerators tip #351

tip: Add Type Accelerators tip

tip: Add Type Accelerators tip #351

name: build
branches: main
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab.
# Allows the deployment workflow to call this workflow.
description: 'The version number to use for the module. This should be in the format of "Major.Minor.Patch". e.g. "1.0.0". Future builds will increment from this version number. This input is optional. If not provided, the previous version numbers Patch will be incremented.'
required: false
type: string
default: ''
# Outputs required by the deployment workflow.
description: 'The name of the PowerShell module being built.'
value: ${{ }}
description: 'The stable version number of the PowerShell module created by the build.'
value: ${{ }}
description: 'The full prerelease version number of the PowerShell module created by the build.'
value: ${{ }}
description: 'The prerelease label of the PowerShell module created by the build.'
value: ${{ }}
description: 'The name of the module artifact created by the build.'
value: ${{ }}
description: 'The name of the deploy files artifact created by the build.'
value: ${{ }}
powerShellModuleName: 'tiPS'
powerShellModuleDirectoryPath: './src/tiPS'
deployFilesDirectoryPath: './deploy'
moduleArtifactName: 'ModuleArtifact'
moduleArtifactDirectoryPath: './artifacts/Module'
deployFilesArtifactName: 'DeployFilesArtifact'
deployFilesArtifactDirectoryPath: './artifacts/deploy'
runs-on: windows-latest # Use Windows agent to ensure dotnet.exe is available to build C# assemblies.
powerShellModuleName: ${{ env.powerShellModuleName }}
stableVersionNumber: ${{ steps.version-number.outputs.majorMinorPatch }}
prereleaseVersionNumber: ${{ steps.version-number.outputs.majorMinorPatch }}-${{ steps.version-number.outputs.prereleaseLabel }}
prereleaseVersionLabel: ${{ steps.version-number.outputs.prereleaseLabel}}
moduleArtifactName: ${{ env.moduleArtifactName }}
deployFilesArtifactName: ${{ env.deployFilesArtifactName }}
- name: Checkout the repo source code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0 # Fetch all history so that GitVersion can determine the version number.
- name: Display PowerShell version and OS details in case needed for troubleshooting
shell: pwsh
run: $PSVersionTable
- name: Run spellcheck
uses: streetsidesoftware/cspell-action@v5
- name: Install GitVersion
uses: gittools/actions/gitversion/setup@v0
versionSpec: '5.x'
- name: Get git metadata used to determine new version number
id: git-version
uses: gittools/actions/gitversion/execute@v0
- name: Determine the new version number
id: version-number
shell: pwsh
run: |
[string] $newVersionNumber = '${{ steps.git-version.outputs.majorMinorPatch }}'
[string] $prereleaseLabel = '${{ steps.git-version.outputs.preReleaseTag }}'
[string] $manuallyProvidedVersionNumber = '${{ inputs.versionNumber }}'
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($manuallyProvidedVersionNumber)) {
Write-Output "Using manually provided version number '$manuallyProvidedVersionNumber'."
$newVersionNumber = $manuallyProvidedVersionNumber
# The preReleaseTag is empty when building the default branch, so manually create a prerelease version number if needed.
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($prereleaseLabel)) {
[string] $dateTime = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddTHHmmss')
$prereleaseLabel = 'CI' + $dateTime + 'SHA' + '${{ steps.git-version.outputs.shortSha }}'
# PowerShell prerelease labels can only contain the characters 'a-zA-Z0-9', so sanitize it if needed.
$newVersionNumberPrereleaseLabel = $prereleaseLabel -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ''
Write-Output "Setting step output variables 'majorMinorPatch=$newVersionNumber' and 'prereleaseLabel=$newVersionNumberPrereleaseLabel'."
"majorMinorPatch=$newVersionNumber" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT -Encoding utf8 -Append
"prereleaseLabel=$newVersionNumberPrereleaseLabel" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_OUTPUT -Encoding utf8 -Append
- name: Build the C# assemblies
shell: pwsh
run: ./build/Build-CSharpAssemblies.ps1 -VersionNumber '${{ steps.git-version.outputs.assemblySemVer }}' -Force
- name: Generate PowerShellTips.json file
shell: pwsh
run: ./build/Convert-PowerShellTipFilesToJsonFile.ps1
# Suppress rules if needed:
- name: Run PowerShell linter with PSScriptAnalyzer
shell: pwsh
run: Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path . -Recurse -EnableExit
- name: Run Pester tests on Windows PowerShell to ensure backward compatibility
shell: powershell
run: |
Write-Output "Pester version being used:"
Import-Module -Name Pester
Get-Module -Name Pester
Write-Output "Running all Pester tests in the repo:"
$pesterConfig = New-PesterConfiguration @{
Output = @{ Verbosity = 'Detailed' }
Run = @{ Throw = $true }
TestResult = @{
Enabled = $true
OutputPath = 'test-results-windows-powershell-nunit.xml'
CodeCoverage = @{ Enabled = $false }
Invoke-Pester -Configuration $pesterConfig
- name: Run Pester tests and generate code coverage report
shell: pwsh
run: |
Write-Output "Pester version being used:"
Import-Module -Name Pester
Get-Module -Name Pester
Write-Output "Running all Pester tests in the repo:"
$pesterConfig = New-PesterConfiguration @{
Output = @{ Verbosity = 'Detailed' }
Run = @{ Throw = $true }
TestResult = @{
Enabled = $true
OutputPath = 'test-results-pwsh-nunit.xml'
CodeCoverage = @{
Enabled = $true
OutputPath = 'code-coverage-jacoco.xml'
Path = 'src/' # Only include code coverage for the module's source code, not build or deployment scripts.
Invoke-Pester -Configuration $pesterConfig
- name: Add code coverage report to PR
# Adding the code coverage report is not supported for manual workflow runs.
if: github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch'
uses: madrapps/[email protected]
paths: code-coverage-jacoco.xml
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
min-coverage-overall: 60
min-coverage-changed-files: 60
- name: Build the concatenated psm1 file
shell: pwsh
run: ./build/Build-Psm1File.ps1 -DeleteSourceFilesAfterImport
- name: Run Pester tests again to ensure the concatenated psm1 file works as expected
shell: pwsh
run: |
Write-Output "Pester version being used:"
Import-Module -Name Pester
Get-Module -Name Pester
Write-Output "Running all Pester tests in the repo:"
$pesterConfig = New-PesterConfiguration @{
Output = @{ Verbosity = 'Detailed' }
Run = @{ Throw = $true }
TestResult = @{ Enabled = $false }
CodeCoverage = @{ Enabled = $false }
Invoke-Pester -Configuration $pesterConfig
- name: Create the module artifact
shell: pwsh
run: |
Write-Output "Reading in environment variables."
[string] $moduleName = $Env:powerShellModuleName
[string] $moduleDirectoryPath = $Env:powerShellModuleDirectoryPath
[string] $moduleManifestFileName = $moduleName + '.psd1'
[string] $moduleManifestFilePath = Join-Path -Path $moduleDirectoryPath -ChildPath $moduleManifestFileName
[string] $moduleArtifactDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $Env:moduleArtifactDirectoryPath -ChildPath $moduleName
[string] $newVersionNumber = '${{ steps.version-number.outputs.majorMinorPatch}}'
Write-Output "Updating the version number of the module manifest file '$moduleManifestFilePath' to '$newVersionNumber'."
Update-ModuleManifest -Path $moduleManifestFilePath -ModuleVersion $newVersionNumber
Write-Output "Testing the module manifest file '$moduleManifestFilePath' to ensure it is valid."
Test-ModuleManifest -Path $moduleManifestFilePath
Write-Output "Copying the module files to the module artifact directory '$moduleArtifactDirectoryPath'."
Copy-Item -Path $moduleDirectoryPath -Destination $moduleArtifactDirectoryPath -Exclude '*.Tests.ps1' -Recurse -Force
- name: Create deploy files artifact
shell: pwsh
run: |
[string] $deployFilesDirectoryPath = $Env:deployFilesDirectoryPath
[string] $deployFilesArtifactDirectoryPath = $Env:deployFilesArtifactDirectoryPath
Write-Output "Copying the deployment files '$deployFilesDirectoryPath' to the deployment artifact directory '$deployFilesArtifactDirectoryPath'."
Copy-Item -Path $deployFilesDirectoryPath -Destination $deployFilesArtifactDirectoryPath -Recurse -Force
- name: Set the new version tag
# Only run this step if we are doing a push (not a PR) to the default branch (e.g. main).
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' && github.ref == format('refs/heads/{0}', github.event.repository.default_branch)
shell: pwsh
run: |
[string] $newVersionNumber = '${{ steps.version-number.outputs.majorMinorPatch}}'
[string] $newVersionTag = "v$newVersionNumber"
# To avoid a 403 error on 'git push', ensure you have granted your GitHub Actions workflow read/write permission.
# In your GitHub repo: Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions > Read and write permissions
Write-Output "Tagging commit with new version tag '$newVersionTag'."
& git tag $newVersionTag
& git push origin $newVersionTag
- name: Upload module artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ env.moduleArtifactName }}
path: ${{ env.moduleArtifactDirectoryPath }}
- name: Upload deploy files artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ env.deployFilesArtifactName }}
path: ${{ env.deployFilesArtifactDirectoryPath }}