Quizereedoo is a full stack web based quiz application using Node, Express, Postgres, jQuery amd Ajax.
- Create the
by using.env.example
as a reference:cp .env.example .env
- Update the .env file with your correct local information
- username:
- password:
- database:
- Install dependencies:
npm i
- Fix to binaries for sass:
npm rebuild node-sass
- Reset database:
npm run db:reset
- Check the db folder to see what gets created and seeded in the SDB
- Run the server:
npm run local
- Note: nodemon is used, so you should not have to restart your server
- Visit
- Node 10.x or above
- NPM 5.x or above
- PG 6.x
- Cookie session 2.0 or above
- Bcrypt 2.4.3 or above
- Chalk 2.0.0 or above
- Ajax 0.0.4
- Express 4.17.1
- Ejs 2.6.2 or above
- Dotenv 2.0.0
- Morgan 1.9.1 or above
- Sass 1.35.1 or above