You can install the package via composer:
composer require epmnzava/ae_ds
$ae = new AeDs($api_key,$api_secret,$code);
//then store both token and refresh token on database or file to use later
$ae = new AeDs($api_key,$api_secret,$code);
$res = $ae->getCategories("en");
// it will give list of categories
$ae = new AeDs($api_key,$api_secret,$code);
$res = $ae->getCategoryById($categoryid,$lang);
// it will give details of one category
$ae = new AeDs($api_key,$api_secret,$code);
//used feedname tanzaniaselection for Tanzania targeted products i.e $category_id=6 for home appliace
$res = $ae->$ae->getItemListByFeedName("tanzaniaselection", $page_no, $page_size, $category_id);
// it will give list of products on category_id , if no category id you will get all products
$ae = new AeDs($api_key,$api_secret,$code);
$token = $ae->getRefreshToken($refresh_token);
$res = $ae->getProduct($token, $product_id);
// it will give you only one product with all details
composer test
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