# Create .env file and populate manually missing information, e.g tokens for telegram and OpenAI communications
cp .env.example .env
# Build Docker Images
docker-compose build
# Generate python documentation for sphinx server locally, you must do it to wake up the entire docker-compose
docker-compose run openai-bot-sphinx sphinx-apidoc -o source/code ../src
docker-compose run openai-bot-sphinx make html
# Wake up all services
docker-compose up
To explore database using pgadmin visit http://localhost:8050 and login using [email protected] admin credentials Register a server connection to the database using these informations:
host --> openai-bot-database
port --> 5432
db --> default
username --> admin
psw --> s3cr3t
Visit http://localhost:9001 to have a local view of Sphinx documentation after waking up docker compose services. To re-generate the github page containing docs, simply regenerate it locally and merge your branch into main, a github actions will replace the content online.
If you have already generated teh Docs and want to re-create it, follow these steps:
# to clean
sudo rm -rd docs/build
sudo rm -rf docs/source/code
# OR to fix generated file for editing
sudo chmod -R 777 docs/*
To generate the Python Docs:
docker-compose run openai-bot-sphinx sphinx-apidoc -o source/code ../src
docker-compose run openai-bot-sphinx make html
Finally Wakeup all services
docker-compose up
Step 1. Enter @Botfather in the search tab and choose this bot.
Click “Start” to activate BotFather bot.
In response, you receive a list of commands to manage bots.
Step 2. Choose or type the /newbot
command and send it.
Step 3. Choose a name for your bot — your subscribers will see it in the conversation. And choose a username for your bot — the bot can be found by its username in searches. The username must be unique and end with the word “bot.”
After you choose a suitable name for your bot — the bot is created. You will receive a message with a link to your bot t.me/<bot_username>, recommendations to set up a profile picture, description, and a list of commands to manage your new bot.
To connect a bot you need a token. Copy your token value and find more information about connecting your bot in the next steps.
You can set up your webhook connection by calling this API pasting your bot token and setting the url of your server
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.telegram.org/<token>/setWebhook?url=<url>/telegram'