The aim of the project was to create a prototype of a Central Monitoring System for smart shipping.
Here the real-time dashboards that have been created:
"Position monitoring dashboard"
"Vehicles monitoring dashboard"
"Database monitoring dashboard"
Here a use case diagram of the prototype:
Downlaod the VirtualBox VM here:!Arob1m34gP6nh7pJw3UMnuDyU6yz0Q or install on your machine mongoDB, mosquitto, node-red, Java and follow these setup instructions.
Start a mongodb instance and create three collections (products, travels_test, vehicles) and then insert data through JSON file or dumps in mongodb folder.
Start MQTT broker on default port 1883. (mosquitto, for example)
Start the Java simualtor. (JDK 8)
Launch node-red and import these palettes: node-red-contrib-crypto-js, node-red-contrib-mongodb3, node-red-dashboard
Import all node-red flows.
Connect to the node-red dashboard at: http://localhost:1880/ui/
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.