Android app and widgets for displaying Canadian Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) conditions, forecast and historical readings.
Two widgets are provided: a small widget that displays the most recent AQHI reading at your location, and a larger, wider widget that shows the AQHI reading on a relative scale.
AQHI Data is pulled from Environment and Climate Change Canada's public API using the closest active monitoring station to your current location. The station definitions, current location, and current AQHI readings are all cached to prevent excessive calls to the API. Data is shared between the main app and the widgets.
- This app was developed for and tested on Android 14.
Copyright (c) 2024 David Fortin
This software is provided by David Fortin under the MIT License, meaning you are free to use it however you want, as long as you include the original copyright notice (above) and license notice in any copy you make. You just can't hold me liable in case something goes wrong. License details can be read here