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davoudarsalani authored and actions-user committed Jul 15, 2024
1 parent 38d242d commit 661feaf
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions news/api-news/gnews.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -191618,5 +191618,135 @@
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "ea11f095"
"title": "\"Es hora de poner a Trump en el punto de mira\", dijo Biden d\u00edas antes del tiroteo",
"description": "Varios miembros del Partido Republicano han criticado al mandatario por estas palabras, pronunciadas en una reciente conversaci\u00f3n privada con donantes.",
"content": "\"Es hora de poner a Trump en el punto de mira\", dijo Biden d\u00edas antes del tiroteo\nVarios miembros del Partido Republicano han criticado al mandatario por estas palabras, pronunciadas en una reciente conversaci\u00f3n privada con donantes.\nTras el fallido ... [3212 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:41:30Z",
"source": {
"name": "RT en Espa\u00f1ol",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "3798365a"
"title": "ATO is \u2018here to help\u2019 as Australians complete tax returns for 2024",
"description": "Australians have until October 31 to lodge their returns or face a hefty fine.",
"content": "Taxpayers struggling with lodging their returns could be eligible for a free helping hand.\nAustralians have until October 31 to lodge their returns or face a hefty fine.\nWhile you can file as of July 1, the official advice is to wait a bit.\nKnow the ... [2004 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:41:15Z",
"source": {
"name": "",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "6a6c6017"
"title": "Les prix des logements neufs en Chine chutent au rythme le plus rapide depuis 9 ans",
"description": "Les prix des logements neufs en Chine ont baiss\u00e9 en juin \u00e0 leur rythme le plus rapide depuis environ neuf ans, selon des donn\u00e9es officielles publi\u00e9es lundi, le secteur sinistr\u00e9 ayant du mal \u00e0...\n-Le 15 juillet 2024 \u00e0 03:41\n- Zonebourse",
"content": "Les prix des logements neufs en Chine ont baiss\u00e9 en juin \u00e0 leur rythme le plus rapide depuis environ neuf ans, selon des donn\u00e9es officielles publi\u00e9es lundi, le secteur sinistr\u00e9 ayant du mal \u00e0 trouver un point bas malgr\u00e9 les mesures de soutien du gouv... [949 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:41:07Z",
"source": {
"name": "",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "b2cc2c0d"
"title": "Le p\u00e9trole prolonge ses pertes alors que le dollar se renforce suite \u00e0 l'attaque de Trump",
"description": "Les prix du p\u00e9trole ont chut\u00e9 pour une deuxi\u00e8me journ\u00e9e lundi, le dollar gagnant du terrain dans un contexte d'incertitude politique aux \u00c9tats-Unis suite \u00e0 une attaque contre le candidat \u00e0 la...",
"content": "Les prix du p\u00e9trole ont chut\u00e9 pour une deuxi\u00e8me journ\u00e9e lundi, le dollar gagnant du terrain dans un contexte d'incertitude politique aux \u00c9tats-Unis suite \u00e0 une attaque contre le candidat \u00e0 la pr\u00e9sidence am\u00e9ricaine Donald Trump, tandis que les investi... [2924 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:40:34Z",
"source": {
"name": "",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "b5ea0767"
"title": "Man unable to be identified after body found on Gold Coast seaway off Main Beach",
"description": "A series of tests has failed to provide police with the answers they need.",
"content": "The identity of a man whose body was found by a jet ski rider in Gold Coast waters remains unknown almost two days after the discovery.\nThe man\u2019s body was floating on the seaway off Main Beach about 2pm on Saturday when it was spotted by the passing ... [417 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:37:29Z",
"source": {
"name": "",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "68e7e411"
"title": "Ator Tim Robbins critica quem diz ser arma\u00e7\u00e3o atentado contra Trump",
"description": "Vencedor do Oscar diz que \u201caqueles que negam\u201d a tentativa de assassinato contra o ex-presidente est\u00e3o \u201ccom uma mentalidade perturbada\u201d. Leia no Poder360.",
"content": "Vencedor do Oscar diz que \u201caqueles que negam\u201d a tentativa de assassinato contra o ex-presidente est\u00e3o \u201ccom uma mentalidade perturbada\u201d\nO ator norte-americano Tim Robbins, 65 anos, vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Ator Coadjuvante de 2004, criticou neste d... [992 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:37:17Z",
"source": {
"name": "Poder360",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "2cb395cf"
"title": "Acclaimed video artist Bill Viola dies at 73, created landmark `Tristan und Isolde' production",
"description": "Bill Viola, a video artist who combined with director Peter Sellars on a groundbreaking production of Wagner's \u201cTristan und Isolde\u201d originally seen in Los Angeles, Paris and New York, has died at age 73.",
"content": "The Associated Press\nLONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) \u2014 Bill Viola, a video artist who combined with director Peter Sellars on a groundbreaking production of Wagner's \u201cTristan und Isolde\u201d originally seen in Los Angeles, Paris and New York, has died at age 73.... [3740 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "!/image/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpeg",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:34:00Z",
"source": {
"name": "CP24 Toronto",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "8cd01e"
"title": "State of Origin 2024: Jaydn Su'A sends brutal message to Billy Slater as Queensland coach called out again",
"description": "Jaydn Su'A was dropped for Game 3. Read more here.",
"content": "The Dragons back-rower showed the Maroons what they'll be missing in the State of Origin decider.\nJaydn Su'A was an absolute beast for the Dragons against the Broncos on Saturday night, sparking fresh questions about Billy Slater's decision not to pi... [4039 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:33:38Z",
"source": {
"name": "Yahoo Sport Australia",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "34e772aa"
"title": "Rescue helicopters winch man to safety after receiving calls for help from Apple Watch",
"description": "The man was dragged about 1km offshore when he was caught in a rip.",
"content": "A man has been caught up in a dramatic rescue after using his smartwatch to call for help when he was swept out to sea at the weekend.\nThe man was swimming in waters off Byron Bay when he was caught in a rip and unable to swim back in.\nWATCH THE VIDE... [1444 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:33:23Z",
"source": {
"name": "",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "8d129151"
"title": "Biden pede ao pa\u00eds para 'baixar temperatura' pol\u00edtica",
"description": "Veja as principais not\u00edcias e manchetes do dia no Brasil e no Mundo. Leia textos e assista a v\u00eddeos de Pol\u00edtica, Cotidiano, Crimes e mais.",
"content": "O presidente Joe Biden procurou neste domingo acalmar uma na\u00e7\u00e3o dividida ap\u00f3s a tentativa de assassinato contra seu advers\u00e1rio eleitoral Donald Trump, ressaltando, em um raro discurso no Sal\u00e3o Oval da Casa Branca, que \u00e9 hora de \"baixar a temperatura\"... [497 chars]",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"publishedAt": "2024-07-15T01:33:22Z",
"source": {
"name": "UOL",
"url": ""
"short_uuid": "27fb9053"

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