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Releases: davkat1/DyMoMa

DyMoMa v1.0.1

16 Oct 08:20
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This small update fixes some small bugs related to file names generated by the solveFromFile method. Also the events attribute has been added, currently under development.

DyMoMa v1.0.0

05 Mar 12:53
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DyMoMa is an object-oriented framework in MATLAB for defining and running linear and non-linear dynamic models. Version 1.0.0 is the first public version of DyMoMa, used for the creation of the GreenLight model, which appears in Katzin, Van Mourik, Kempkes, Van Henten (2020), "GreenLight - an open source model for greenhouses with supplemental lighting: evaluation of heat requirements under LED and HPS lamps", submitted to Biosystems Engineering.