Scripts of phonological or verbal working memory tasks for fMRI (written in Matlab and using Psychtoolbox functions).
The "wl_sp_2c_structs_ABBA_BAAB_keysCountb.m" and "wl_sp_2c_structs_ABBA_BAAB_keysCountb_mirrored_EEGtriggers.m" scripts are replications of the PHONOLOGICAL TASK published by Ebner et al (2011) "Assessing language and visuospatial functions with one task – A dual use approach to performing fMRI in children"
The "wm_2c_structs_d_keysCountb.m" and "wm_2c_structs_d_keysCountb_mirrored_EEGtriggers.m" scripts are replications of the VERBAL WORKING MEMORY TASK published by Siffredi et al (2017) "Examining distinct WM processes in children and adolescents using fMRI - Brown-Peterson paradigm".