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@davidkpiano davidkpiano released this 27 Jul 13:59
· 223 commits to master since this release

React v16 compatibility πŸŽ‰
Since React v16 has been announced in public beta, the peer deps were updated to ensure that React-Redux-Form will be compatible with React v16! If you see any bugs that aren't directly related to the React v16 beta, please file an issue.

Fixes and Enhancements

  • If a control needs validation triggered, such as after being reset, now HTML5 validity is properly taken into account as well. #836
  • πŸ†• New prop: <Form hideNativeErrors>! One annoying issue (#823, #889) was that it was not easy to hide native HTML5 validation error messages shown by the browser (those bubbles that pop up when you try to submit a form). Most of the time though, you want to know when a field is invalid but show your own custom error messages.

The hideNativeErrors prop can be used to indicate that you do not want native HTML5 constraint validation messages appearing. This will still retain the behavior that if a control is invalid due to HTML5 validation, the form will fail to submit:

// native errors will NOT show
// <Errors /> will show when touched (or submit button clicked) as expected
<Form model="user" hideNativeErrors>
      valueMissing: 'Hey, where is your email?',
      typeMismatch: 'Not a valid email!'

See the FAQs for more information.

  • A debounced control will no longer "flush" (that is, automatically apply a debounced change) when it is cancelled (due to reset). #884

Please make sure that you include reproducible code examples with all issues! It's in the issue template; I even wrote out most of the code in a CodePen template. No excuses πŸ˜‰