This is an internal project of, to ease the components and views creation of our app.
First, make sure you have Yeoman installed:
$ npm install -g yo
Then, install this generator:
$ npm install -g generator-qr
$ yo qr:option
The options allowed are:
: to create a new component in our app;page
: to create a page, with a route linked.
$ yo qr:component
The generator will ask for a component name (use "hyphen-case") and where to save the component; the default place to create a new component is qr-components
, assuming you will create a generic component to the app.
Finally, the generator will ask if you would like to overwrite a file; this file is the file which exports the component to the rest of the app. So you should accept it.
$ yo qr:page
The generator will ask for a page name (use "hyphen-case") and where to create the page.
To contribute with this repository:
- First you need to fork the project
- Create a branch with a meaningful name
- Modify the project as you see fit
- To test it manually, run:
$ npm link
// It will link this module to current node_modules that has this module (problably global one)
- run the command you want to see the changes (probably
yo qr component
) - rinse and repeat :)
- Later, open a pull request to the main repository.
This is still a work in progress project, so please, if you find any problem or have some sugestion, don't hesitate to open an issue or even a pull request.