A smart contract and client API for revm.
- Auto-generate contracts that interact directly with
without needingethers provider
- Contract API is almost identical to
generated contracts - Extract event logs
These crates have not yet been published. To experiment with the code you can try the following:
To run the basics example:
cargo run --bin basics
To generate contracts from abi you can run:
For help:
cargo run --bin revmup -- --help
Generate contract bindings for revm
Usage: revmup --input-path <PATH> --output-path <PATH>
-i, --input-path <PATH> Input path for contract artifacts/json files
-o, --output-path <PATH> Output path for generated code
-h, --help Print help
// First you auto-generate the contract code from the ABI. In this example,
// we're using MockERC20 that was generated from 'erc20.json'.
// Create the revm client
let client = ::std::sync::Arc::new(revmup_client::BasicClient::new());
// Funding amount in ether
let amt = ::ethers::core::utils::parse_ether(3u8).unwrap();
// Create 2 funded accounts
let accounts = client.batch_create_accounts_with_balance(2, amt).expect("acccounts");
let alice = accounts[0];
let bob = accounts[1];
// Deploy the contract (bob is the deployer)
let contract_address = MockErc20::deploy::<(String, String, u8)>(
("hello".into(), "H".into(), 8u8)).unwrap();
println!("contract address: {}", addy);
// Create an instance of the contract
let erc = MockErc20::new(contract_address, client.clone());
// mint 2 tokens to bob
erc.mint(bob, 2u8.into()).send_transaction(bob).unwrap();
// check the token balance for bob
let bobs_tokens = erc.balance_of(bob).call().unwrap();
println!("token bal: {:?}", bobs_tokens);
// Transfer a token to alice
let (_, logs) = erc.transfer(alice.into(), 1u8.into()).send_transaction(bob).unwrap();
// Note the call above returns event logs...we can view them looking for specific event types. In the case 'Transfer' events
let log_results = erc.get_transfer_filter_logs(logs.clone()).expect("parse log");
println!("transfer events: {:?}", log_results);