Lesson 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
- Using Sklearn for Iris dataset.
- Binary classification, multiclass classification.
Lesson 2: Linear classifier and stochastic gradient
- Stochastic gradient in practice.
- Maximum Likelihood and Regularization L1,L2.
- Find optimize regularization using LOO.
Lesson 3: Neural Networks: Gradient Optimization Techniques
- Autograd.
- MLP for MNIST.
- Tuning hyperparameters for MLP.
Lesson 4: Metric classification and regression methods
- kNN, kernel-kNN, Parzen window method, potential function method.
- Reference element selection, STOLP, Nadarai Watson formula.
Lesson 5: Support vector machine
- SVM , kernel-SVM for classification, regression.
- SVM feature.
Lesson 6: Multidimensional Linear Regression
- Multidimendional Linear Regression, SVD, regularization for MLR using SVD.
- Dependence of the approximation quality on the condition number.
- PCA for images.
Lesson 7: Nonlinear Regression
- Non-linear regression example.
- Compare gradient descent, Newton-Raphson and Newton-Gauss.
- Generalized linear models: optimal sample size.
- Loss function for the problem of finding close sentences.
- Convergence visualization of the Newton Raphson method and the stochastic gradient.
Lesson 8: Model Selection Criteria and Feature Selection Methods
- Model quality assessment: external and internal criteria.
- Feature selection: exhaustive search, Add algorithm, Add-Del algorithm.
- Precision,Recall.
- Example of information retrieval task.
Lesson 9: Logical classification methods
- Logical classifier implementation.
- Informative criteria.
- Decision list, simple implementation.
- Decision tree.
- Random forest.
Lesson 10: Search for association rules
- Statement of the problem of association rules.
- Synthetic example.
- Example of real data from Kaggle.
- Apriori algorithm.
- FP-growth algorithm.
- Generalization for real data.
- Generalized association rules.
Lesson 11: Linear Ensembles
- DummyEnsemble.
- AdaBoost.
- Gradient boosting, XGBoost.
- An example of real data from kaggle.
- RandomForest.
- Mixture Of Expert.
Lesson 12: Advanced Ensembling Techniques
- ComBoost.
- Gradient Boosting.
- XGBoost.
- CatBoost.
Lesson 13: Bayesian theory of classification
- Maximum Likelihood Principle: Visualization.
- Density reconstruction from empirical data.
- Using LOO to select the window width.
- Naive Bayes classifier.
Lesson 14: Clustering and semi-supervised learning
- Clustering examples.
- K-means.
- Hierarchical clustering.
- Semi-supervised learning.
- Self-training, 1970.
- Unlabeled data in deep learning.
Lesson 15: Deep Neural Networks
- CNN, RNN, Tensorboard, Transfer Learning, Interpretability of NN.
Lesson 16: AutoEncoder,GAN
- Autoencoder, Linear Autoencoder, Autoencoder using CNN, Variational autoencoder.
- Transfer learning from a pre-trained model.
- Generative adversarial networks.
Lesson 17: Tokenization,Word2Vec(Fasttext)
- An example of classifying tweets.
- Text tokenization.
- Word2Vec (based on the FastText model).
- FastText model (compressed to emb-dim=10 for lightness).
- Problems for unsupervised learning of vectorization models.
Lesson 18: Attention.Transformer
- Attention model RNN.
- Transformer.
- T2T translator.
- BPE tokenization.
- LaBSE.
Lesson 19: Modeling
- LDA.
- PLSA(bigartm).
Lesson 20: Homework
Lesson 21: Learning to rank
- Basic concept.
- An example of a ranking problem.
- An example of a recommender system.
- Training a search engine based on pyserini.
Lesson 22: Recommender Systems
- Constant model.
- Correlation system.
- SVD.
Lesson 23: Time Series Analysis
- Autoregression model.
- Exponential smoothing.
- Cluster analysis of time series.
Lesson 24: Online Learning
Lesson 25: Reinforcement Learning
- Stationary multi-armed bandit.
- Non-stationary multi-armed bandit.
- Swim problem.
Lesson 26: Active Learning
- Active learning with a random additive element.
- Active learning with the addition of the element with the maximum variance.