Material and Mouse driven theme for AwesomeWM 4.3
Original work by PapyElGringo, official development seem to have moved to material-shell
Note: This fork focuses on streamlining the config and adding some Quality of Life touches to the theme.
An almost desktop environment made with AwesomeWM following the Material Design guidelines with a performant opiniated mouse/keyboard workflow to increase daily productivity and comfort.
Tiled | Panel | Exit screen |
Note: the best transition is from gnome to material-awesome as KDE-plasma can break some indicators until plasma is purged entierly.
- AwesomeWM as the window manager - Arch install: awesome
- Roboto as the font - Arch install: ttf-roboto
- Rofi for the app launcher - Arch install: rofi
- Compton for the compositor (blur and animations) Arch install: compton
- i3lock the lockscreen application Arch Install: i3lock
- xclip for copying screenshots to clipboard
- gnome-keyring and a policykit-agent (by default policykit-1-gnome is enabled)
- (Optional) qt5-styles-gtk2 or qt5-styleplugins-git for making QT and KDE applications look the same as gnome applications
- (Optional) Materia as GTK theme - Arch Install: materia-theme
- (Optional) Papirus Dark as icon theme Arch Install: wget -qO- | sh
- (Optional) lxappearance to set up the gtk and icon theme
- (Optional) xbacklight for adjusting brightness on laptops (disabled by default)
- (Optional) kde-spectacle my personal screenshot utility of choice, can be replaced by whichever you want, just remember to edit the screenshot utility script
git clone ~/.config/awesome
### 3) Set the themes
Start **lxappearance** to active the **icon** theme and **GTK** theme
Note: for cursor theme, edit `~/.icons/default/index.theme` and `~/.config/gtk3-0/settings.ini`, for the change to also show up in applications run as root, copy the 2 files over to their respective place in `/root`.
### 4) Same theme for Qt/KDE applications and GTK applications, and fix missing indicators
First install `qt5-style-plugins` or `qt5-style-gtk2` (debian) | `qt5-styleplugins` (arch) and add this to the bottom of your `/etc/environment`
The first variable fixes most indicators (especially electron based ones!), the second tells Qt and KDE applications to use your gtk2 theme set through lxappearance.
The documentation live within the source code.
The project is split in functional directories and in each of them there is a readme where you can get additionnal informations about the them.
- Configuration is about all the settings available
- Layout hold the disposition of all the widgets
- Module contain all the features available
- Theme hold all the aestetic aspects
- Widget contain all the widgets available