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OLD Pyramid Deployment (OPD) using Docker and Babashka


I am currently (2021-01-09) considering moving away from this heavily automated approach and starting fresh, but building on this.

This project deploys the Online Linguistic Database (OLD) using Docker images and containers, and Babashka for shell scripting and service deployment orchestration.

It should ultimately be able to automate the installation of both Pylons and Pyramid OLD installations. Note that while the "original" (Pylons) version of the OLD is officially deprecated, some OLD instances are still running on it as of this writing (2020-08-26.)


  • Write deployment scripts for the Pyramid OLD.
  • Move this code to the OLD repository itself and set up CI/CD with CircleCI.
  • Set up log shipping.
  • Set up automated backups of MySQL and filesystem data.
  • Set up monitoring for downtime.
  • Ensure reboots bring the system back up.
  • Store images in Docker Hub.

How to Deploy the OLD using the OPD (this tool)

The OPD can be used to deploy both versions of the OLD, the Pylons version and the Pyramid one. Some steps are common to both versions. These are given below. When the steps diverge, new sections begin.

First, clone this repo (the OPD source):

$ git clone
$ cd old-pyramid-deployment

Next, clone the source code for the Pyramid and Pylons OLDs to src/old-pyramid/ and src/old/, respectively:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

TODO: fix the following paragraph to reflect the Pylons/Pyramid split reality.

This project assumes that the private/ directory contains two sub-directories with analogous structures. The private/old-stores/ directory should contain subdirectories whose names are the OLD instances (and simultaneously the names of the databases of those instances) of each OLD being deployed. The private/old-mysqldumps/ directory should contain one MySQL dump file for each OLD instance directory mentioned above; each file should have the same name as the directory, but with the .dump extension. Example:

$ ls private/old-stores/
$ ls private/old-mysqldumps/

How to Deploy the Pylons OLD

The following command will build Docker images for MySQL, the Pylons OLD and Nginx and then bring up a container running MySQL, one running Nginx, and one for each Pylons OLD under private/old-stores/:

$ bb opd.clj deploy-new-pylons <ENV>

The value of <ENV> determines which top-level key under :environments in the config map of CONFIG.edn will be used.

The above command is equivalent to running the following commands in sequence.

  1. Create the opd Docker network idempotently:

    $ bb opd.clj create-network <ENV>
  2. Build the MySQL image and bring up a container based on it named opd-mysql. This container will have access to private/mysqldumps/ from which it can ingest the source OLD MySQL dump files. It will also write its MySQL persistence files to private/mysql-data on the host. To create the MySQL container idempotently:

    $ bb opd.clj up-build-mysql <ENV>
  3. Create the Pylons OLD MySQL databases in the running MySQL container. Running the following will create one database for each dump file in private/mysqldumps/. Warning: this will drop any database in the MySQL container that has the same name as any of the dump files in the aforementioned directory.:

    $ bb opd.clj bootstrap-dbs <ENV>
  4. Build the OLD Docker image:

    $ bb opd.clj build-old <ENV>
  5. Repair the Pylons OLD config files. These are the production.ini files under each subdirectory of private/old-stores, e.g., private/old-stores/blaold/production.ini. This sets the host value to and the sqlalchemy.url value to mysql://<MYSQL_USER>:<MYSQL_PASSWORD>@<MYSQL_CONTAINER>:3306/<OLD_DB_NAME>?charset=utf8.:

    $ bb opd.clj repair-old-configs <ENV>
  6. Bring up the OLD containers. Each OLD container will have a name like opd-old-<OLD_NAME>, where <OLD_NAME> is the name of the OLD dump file. Note that this is idempotent insofar as a container will not be spun up if one with the same name already exists:

    $ bb opd.clj up-olds <ENV>
  7. Build the Nginx Docker image and create a container from it named opd-nginx. The Nginx process within this container will be configured to serve OLDs (using the HTTPS scheme at port 443) at subpaths mathing the OLD names, i.e., https://<DOMAIN>:443/<SUBPATH>/, e.g., https://oldpyramid:443/blaold/. This Nginx config file is visible on the host at src/nginx/etc/old. Its contents are determined by inspecting the OLD config files that were repaired in a previous step above:

    $ bb opd.clj up-build-nginx <ENV>

How to Deploy the Pyramid OLD

The following command will build Docker images for MySQL, the Pyramid OLD and Nginx and then bring up a container running MySQL, one running Nginx, and one for each Pyramid OLD under private/old-stores-pyr/:

$ bb opd.clj deploy-new-pyramid <ENV>

The value of <ENV> determines which top-level key under :environments in the config map of CONFIG.edn will be used.

The above command is equivalent to running the following commands in sequence.

  1. Create the opd Docker network idempotently:

    $ bb opd.clj create-network <ENV>
  2. Build the MySQL image and bring up a container based on it named opd-mysql-pyr. This container will have access to private/mysqldumps-pyr/ from which it can ingest the source OLD MySQL dump files. It will also write its MySQL persistence files to private/mysql-data-pyr on the host. To create the MySQL container idempotently:

    $ bb opd.clj up-build-mysql-pyr <ENV>
  3. Create the Pyramid OLD MySQL databases in the running MySQL container. Running the following will create one database for each dump file in private/old-mysqldumps-pyr/. Warning: this will drop any database in the MySQL container that has the same name as any of the dump files in the aforementioned directory.:

    $ bb opd.clj bootstrap-dbs-pyr <ENV>
  4. Build the OLD Pyramid Docker image:

    $ bb opd.clj build-old-pyr <ENV>
  5. Repair the Pyramid OLD config files. These are the production.ini files under each subdirectory of private/old-stores-pyr, e.g., private/old-stores-pyr/cooold/production.ini. This sets the host value to and the sqlalchemy.url value to mysql://<MYSQL_USER>:<MYSQL_PASSWORD>@<MYSQL_CONTAINER>:3306/<OLD_DB_NAME>?charset=utf8.:

    $ bb opd.clj repair-old-pyr-configs <ENV>


    I do not believe the above step is necessary with Pyramid OLDs. These OLDs use the in-source configuration file config.ini and customize it with environment variables.

  6. Bring up the OLD containers. Each OLD container will have a name like opd-old-pyr-<OLD_NAME>, where <OLD_NAME> is the name of the OLD dump file. Note that this is idempotent insofar as a container will not be spun up if one with the same name already exists:

    $ bb opd.clj up-olds-pyr <ENV>
  7. Build the Nginx Docker image and create a container from it named opd-pyr-nginx. The Nginx process within this container will be configured to serve OLDs (using the HTTPS scheme at port 443) at subpaths mathing the OLD names, i.e., https://<DOMAIN>:443/<SUBPATH>/, e.g., https://oldpyramid:443/blaold/. This Nginx config file is visible on the host at src/nginx/etc/old. Its contents are determined by inspecting the OLD config files that were repaired in a previous step above:

    $ bb opd.clj up-build-nginx-pyr <ENV>
    Network connectivity blocked by security group rule: DefaultRule_DenyAllInBound

Notes about the Deployments

OLD instance container logs can be found under:

$ private/old-stores/<OLD_NAME>/application.log


$ private/old-stores/gitold/application.log


It appears to me that the types of paths listed above do not actually contain any useful logs. I believe the most interesting logs (at least in the Pylons OLDs) are the Nginx access logs. See below.

The Nginx container's logs are under /var/lib/docker/containers/ in a directory and file named using the container's ID, which can be found as follows:

$ docker ps --no-trunc -aqf "name=opd-nginx"

In this case, the logs are at:


New filesystem data (e.g., audio files, phonologies) will be stored under:

$ ls private/old-stores/

The MySQL data directory is mounted to the host at:

$ ls private/mysql-data/

WARNING: Beware Below!

Take all of the documentation below with a grain of salt. It needs review.


This tutorial assumes that you are running on a system with Docker installed.

High-level Steps:

  1. Clone the OPD source.

2. Clone the OLD Pyramid source. 2. Build and run the opd Docker daemon container 3. Use opd to download and install the Babashka bb script to the host. 4. Use bb to:

  1. Build Docker images for the required services:
    1. MySQL
    2. OLD Pyramid
    3. Nginx (web server)
  1. Launch long-running dockerized processes for the configuration defined in opd.edn. In overview, launch processes running:
    1. MySQL (listening on port 3306)
    2. Nginx (listening on ports 80 and 443)

Build and run the opd Docker daemon container

Build the opd:1.0 (OLD Pyramid Deployment) image which brings in Babashka (bb) and other system tools:

$ docker build -t opd:1.0 .

Now run the container in daemon mode, mounting your home directory (which in this example is /home/rancher/) to a mirror path in the container , and naming it opd:

$ docker run --rm -d -v "/home/rancher:/home/rancher" --name opd opd:1.0

Now you can execute tools such as bb and tree from within the opd container against files under your home directory. Example:

$ docker exec -it opd bb
Babashka v0.1.3 REPL.
Use :repl/quit or :repl/exit to quit the REPL.
Clojure rocks, Bash reaches.
user=> (* 8 8)

Optionally, set your shell profile to alias opd to docker exec -it opd. In RancherOS, for example, this would mean modifying ~/.profile as follows:

$ cat ~/.profile
alias opd="docker exec -it opd"
$ source ~/.profile

Now we can just call opd <CMD>, e.g.,:

$ opd bb

Now we can download the Babashka bb binary to the host machine, using cURL from the OPD container:

$ opd curl -s -L -o /home/rancher/downloads/
$ cd /home/rancher/downloads
$ unzip
$ mv bb /usr/bin/bb

Build the MySQL Docker image

Use bb to build the MySQL Docker image:

$ bb opd.clj build-mysql


OLD Pyramid Deployment (OPD) using Docker and Babashka






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