propeR v1.2.0
Significant amount of code refactoring completed on key scripts.
- New tool pointToPointLoop() created so point-to-point calculations can be looped through origin and destinations, and also reversed to get return journey. See ?pointToPointLoop() for details.
- Code is more light weight for analysis. Default output is a csv file (maps, gifs, GeoJSONs are all optional outputs from argument line)
- preWaitTime argument now works for point-to-point type calculations and has a default of 15 minutes now
- importLocationData() now has arguments for specifying unique id, latitude, longitude and postcode column names (default is 'name', 'lat', 'lon', 'postcode')
- Complete control over leaflet map plotting through arguments
- Lots of testing done!
To do:
- isochroneMultiIntersect, isochroneMultiIntersectTime, isochroneMultiIntersectSensitivity, choropleth refactoring