Clone this repo, initialize submodules
git clone ...
git submodule update --init
(you might need --recursive but I dont think so)
Build the docker image
docker compose build
Run the docker image, make sure the camera is connected before you do this.
docker compose up &
use docker exec -it <container_name> bash
to enter the container.
Inside the docker, start a few terminals
vins_camera # to launch the realsense camera
vins_path # to start the VINS-visual inertial odometry module
vins_loop # to start the VINS loop closure
vins_rviz # (optional) to launch the rviz window to debug vins-fusion
Launch the vicon bridge (optional):
roslaunch vicon_bridge vicon.launch
Dont forget to set the IP address of the vicon computer in catkin_ws/src/vicon_bridge/launch/vicon.launch
If you want to align the vins world with the vicon world, before starting the vins commands, run
rosrun vins
Launch octomap (optional): In another terminal
roslaunch vins octomap_mapping.launch